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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Business & Marketing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Degree of Alignment: Tesla Inc.

Research Paper Instructions:

Case Study of Tesla Inc.
Describe Tesla's mission, vision, values, structure, and culture of the company.
Analyze the degree of alignment between what the organization is currently doing (actions) and their mission, vision, values, structure, and culture.
Think about what Tesla is doing right and where there is room for improvement.

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Degree of Alignment: Tesla Inc.
Mission, Vision, Values, Structure, and Culture of Tesla Inc.
Tesla incorporation is an automotive company specializing in the manufacture of electric vehicles. The company’s mission is to accelerate global change to sustainable energy (Chen & Perez, 2018). Major components of this mission are the determination of the company to shift global trends from the use of traditional energy and step-up adaptation to the energy that is clean and sustainable in the industry. Its mission is tied to its vision of growing into the most compelling car company by leading the world to embrace electric vehicles. Moreover, Tesla company is guided by core values of respect, excellence, risk-taking, environmental consciousness, and constant learning used as the governing principles of practice and attitudes of the workforce and stakeholders.
Therefore, the main features of the company’s organizational culture are doing the impossible, thinking like owners, moving fast, constant innovation, and thinking from the first principle (Yasinskyi, 2017). To support its mission and continuous business growth, the company utilizes a functional structure of its functional centres of engineering, technology, design, sales, finance, marketing, CEO office, and Chairman to cover its business activities.
Degree of Alignment Between Tesla’s Activities and their Mission, Vision, Values, Structure, and Culture.
Alignment means that all the stakeholders understand the company’s purpose and can effectively organize elements, decisions, and systems to work together and achieve a goal. Tesla Inc.’s activities are undoubtedly aligned with its mission, vision, values, and culture. Tesla concentrates its resources on innovating technologies that make the use of electric cars a reality. Huge annual investments of approximately $1.5 billion are spent on research and development (Kim, 2020). This intends to create new products that respond to the market demand for developed energy solutions. The...
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