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Strategy Process Alignment – ZeroTier

Research Paper Instructions:

Unit 2 Assignment: Strategy-Process Alignment
In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following Course Outcome:
MT400-1: Assess the role of a business process within the strategic structure of an organization.
Your book proposes a business process management (BPM) model comprising 10 phases. As you learn about each phase, you will apply the concepts to a specific business process. You will select the process you will use in this assignment.
You will prepare the foundation for your project by identifying a real-world organization that would benefit from applying the business process management (BPM) model in the workplace. You may select the organization where you currently work OR where you previously worked. If possible, you should strive to choose an organization and process that you have knowledge about. If you select an organization that you do not have direct contact with, be sure you can gather sufficient information (via the Library, the Internet, or by interview) about the organization and its operations.
It is important to select a process that will provide a good basis for applying the various phases that you will be learning. As you learn further topics and complete subsequent assignments, you will use this process to answer questions such as:
What are your company's strategies/goals, and how does your selected process support/fit them?
Who are the stakeholders in the process, what are their expectations, and what are the goals of the process?
What are some specific metrics for measuring the performance of your process now and later? What are some quick wins for your project?
What are the risks for your project, ways to mitigate them, and the best leader type for this project?
What is the best implementation strategy for your process, pilots, and contingency plans for your project?
To be able to answer these questions, you will need to select a business process that has strategic significance in the organization, involves multiple people, and has sufficient complexity to require measurement and planning. Conversely, if you pick a process that is too limited, not strategic, or too vague, you will not be able to analyze these elements later on.
To gain a better understanding of what is coming up, carefully read the summary of the 10 phases that starts on page 106 in your textbook. This will give you an idea of what type of questions you will be asking about the process you select.
Instructions for Assignment 1
For this assignment, compose a paper that includes the following components (use the subheadings below):
Part 1: Information A bout the Organization You Selected
Identify and provide details regarding the organization for which you will be presenting information about the BPM model.
Basic information: Company name, location, size, and primary business area (w hat does the business do?). Also, describe what connection you have to the organization, if any. If not, explain how you will gather information about their operations.
Implementation strategy: Use the model by Treacy and Wiersma in Chapter 13 and identify which o f the three strategic options best fits the company’s approach. E xplain how and why.
Part 2: Information A bout the Process You Selected
Describe the specific business process you selected to analyze in your assignments.
Clearly state:
The objective of the process.
The scope — w here the process begins and ends.
A brief description of those involved.
Explain each item:
Significance: Does this process have some strategic significance or a significant impact on the operations of the organization? Would company executives care about changes to the process? Explain your answers.
Scope: Does this process have various stakeholders and multiple people involved in its execution? List both the stakeholders and the various people involved in carrying out the process.
Clarity: Is it possible to identify and list the steps in this process from beginning to end? Briefly list at least five steps, including who executes them.
Outcomes: Are there specific goals and deliverables associated with this process that can be listed and measured? Describe at least two.
To ensure the process you select is rich enough to support this project, your answer to the items in the preceding checklist must be “yes.” If you cannot answer the questions above, you will need to pick another process. Otherwise, you will have difficulty with subsequent assignments.
Part 3: Strategic Justification
Why should the company undertake a BPM project on this process? (What are some triggers based on Table 4.1?)
How can this business or organization benefit from a BPM effort?
Part 4: Alignment of the Process to the Company Strategy
Based on the concepts in Chapter 13, assess the following elements:
How well does the process you selected support strategic choice (based on 1 and 2 above)? Your analysis should be specific to the selected business process and not a general discussion of the business.
Where in Table 13.7 would this process fall with respect to the BPM activity and approach? Explain.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Strategy Process Alignment – ZeroTier
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
May 12, 2023
Part 1: Information About the Organization You Selected
The organization selected for this assignment is ZeroTier. ZeroTier is a global provider of secure software-defined networking technology that businesses, organizations, and individuals use to create private networks and connect devices. The company is headquartered in Irvine, California, and has a small team of employees. Particularly, ZeroTier's primary business area is in the field of software-defined networking.
Although the author of this paper was not able to personally work with the company, he believes that this company needs more information to show how the use of BPM would benefit it. According to Treacy and Wiersma's model, ZeroTier's strategic option is "Product Leadership" (Zacharias et al., 2016). Specifically, the company focuses on delivering cutting-edge software-defined networking solutions that set it apart from competitors. They prioritize innovation and continuously strive to improve their products and services. They aim to create the best solutions in their market segment.
Part 2: Information About the Process You Selected
The specific business process selected for analysis is the onboarding process for new ZeroTier customers. Particularly, the objective of this process is to guide new customers through the initial setup and configuration of their ZeroTier network. The process begins when a customer signs up for ZeroTier and ends when their network is configured and ready to use.
It must be noted that similar to other technology-driven sites, ZeroTier’s onboarding process involves multiple individuals, including the customer, the sales team, and the support team. The customer interacts with the sales team during the sign-up process and then with the support team during the onboarding process. The support team is responsible for guiding the customer through the setup process, answering questions, and ensuring their network works correctly.
Additionally, this process has strategic significance for ZeroTier as it is critical for creating a positive customer experience, which then improves retention and acquisition thereby fueling the customer’s lifetime value (Hill et al., 2007). Company executives would care about changes to the process as it directly affects customer satisfaction and retention.
Finally, the process has various stakeholders, including the customer, the sales team, the support team, and the company. The sales team is responsible for bringing in new customers, while the support team ensures customers have a positive experience with ZeroTier.
The steps involved in the process include:
1 Customer signs up for ZeroTier;
2 The sales team verifies the customer's account and sets up their billing;
3 The support team guides the customer through the initial network setup ...
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