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4 pages/β‰ˆ1100 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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A Comparison Between Johns Hopkins Hospital and Mayo Clinic

Research Paper Instructions:

Assignment 7A: Final Summary Paper- Quality Plan Comparisons Due by Friday, August 15, 2022 by noon.
Some healthcare organizations post their quality plan on the web. Search the Internet for quality plans for two different types of healthcare organizations (e.g., hospital. long term care facility, ambulatory clinic, health plan). You may need to use search terms other than quality management plan, such as performance, improvement plan, patient safety plan, or quality plan. Summarize the similarities and differences between the two plans.
Please submit your paper in size 12 New Roman font, double spaced with citations and references in APA format. References use should not be more than 10 years, sources should be with in the U.S.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
A Comparison Between Johns Hopkins Hospital and Mayo Clinic
Quality Plans Comparison: A Comparison Between Johns Hopkins Hospital and Mayo Clinic The quality of healthcare services is a key determinant of a health organization's effectiveness. In this respect, health organizations are always looking to improve the quality of services to meet the demand of dynamic and complex consumer needs. These organizations must, therefore, develop quality plans that guide the improvement of service delivery and the safety of employees and patients at a minimum cost. According to Aggarwal et al. (2019), a quality plan is a document that specifies quality standards, specifications, resources, practices, and sequence of activities taken to improve the quality of services. The purpose of the current paper is to compare the quality plans of two American-based health organizations; The Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH) and the Mayo Clinic (MC). Johns Hopkins Hospital and Mayo Clinic are ranked among the best-performing health organizations in the USA. These rankings, according to Muller et al. (2021), consider a multidimensional array of factors that interact to produce the best outcomes in healthcare delivery. Quality of services remains among the most important factors considered in this ranking. Therefore, for these two organizations to rank high in the United States, it implies they have solid quality plans that keep their services sustainable. Both organizations are involved in the delivery of healthcare services, research, innovation, and education. However, while JHH operates as a hospital, Mayo Clinic is largely made up of clinics. Quality Plan Comparison
Both organizations have Quality Improvement departments that have sole responsibility for ensuring the quality of services is of the best standards and in line with policies and regulations, both internal and external. The presence of this department means both organizations take quality improvement seriously and bank on it as part of the competitive advantage in meeting patient needs.
At JHH, patient safety efforts aim to ensure that processes, systems, and people work together to deliver high-quality, compassionate, and inclusive care for all patients. Here, the quality of services is measured through patient experience (satisfaction), disease prevention efforts, including CLABSIs, success in delivery of newborns and their care, surgical volumes, readmissions, and quality of care ratings (JHH, 2022). The goals of the quality plan are aligned to meet regulatory, organizational, and accreditation needs. Their goals are classified into four member-centric dimensions: member experience goals, quality of clinical care goals, safety of clinical care goals, and quality of service goals. The QI department, therefore, relies on the key process for strategy, analysis, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, and reporting. As a result, the department relies on data sources like the HEDIS measures, CAHPS, QoC reviews, provider satisfaction survey results, member complaint data, provider quality performance data, and health outcome survey, among others. Quality evaluation is done annually, focusing on customer experience as indicated through HEDIS and CAHPS. At MC, quality measures are determined ...
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