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6 pages/≈1650 words
6 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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Analysing the Research

Research Paper Instructions:

Analyzing the Research
For the Week 3 Application, you will select two articles from a list, identify the components of a research project and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the articles.
•Select two studies from the list of articles for Week 3, provided in the class 'Doc Sharing' area: 'NURS 4000 Week 3 Articles'. The articles can also be accessed through the Course Readings in the Library. Look for the Week 3 Articles tab.
•Choose one quantitative article and one qualitative article.
•Review each selected article based on what you have learned about study design, identifying information from each component of the study.
•Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each study.
•Based on your review, write a 5-6-page summary of the two articles using the NURS 4000 Week 3 Assignment Rubric.
•Identify each component of the research article as outlined in the rubric.
Explain why each is a strong or weak study based upon criteria for reliability and validity for quantitative studies. Use criteria for trustworthiness for qualitative studies. Refer to your textbook for information related to evaluation of research.
Readings to help with the research
•Course Text: Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research
◦Chapter 5, "Linking Theory, Research, and Practice"
This chapter begins by exploring the relationship between theory, research, and nursing practice. It then covers the language of research, including specific terminology. The chapter illustrates how scientific research supports nursing practice and how nursing practice informs scientific research.
◦Chapter 7, "Quantitative Designs: Using Numbers to Provide Evidence"
Quantitative research designs seek to explain a phenomenon through numerical findings. This chapter discusses key concepts related to quantitative design, different types of quantitative studies, and strategies nurses can use to appraise quantitative research study designs presented in the literature.
◦Chapter 8, "Qualitative Designs: Using Words to Provide Evidence"
Chapter 8 defines qualitative research as the focus on words instead of numbers to give meaning to phenomena. This chapter discusses four major types of qualitative research as well as different sources of data. Strategies for evaluating qualitative study designs are also presented.
◦Chapter 9, "Collecting Evidence"
This chapter describes the process of planning data collection. The authors cover methods of collecting quantitative and qualitative data while stressing the importance of recognizing validity and measurement error.
◦Chapter 10, "Using Samples to Provide Evidence"
This chapter describes the basic concepts associated with sampling. The authors cover the difference between probability and nonprobability sampling, sampling methods as well as quantitative versus qualitative sampling. .
◦Review this completed Journal Club Template for one example of how this document is used to support the evaluation of a research article. The article reviewed for this template is:
◦Hurlbut, J.M., Robbins, L.K. & Hoke, M.M. (2011). Correlations between spirituality and health-promoting behaviors among sheltered homeless women. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 28(2), 81-91. DOI:10.1080/07370016.2011.564064
◦This PDF version of a PowerPoint presentation presents another example of how an article evaluation can be presented to a journal club:
◦Mulligan, E. (2001). Healthsouth Orthopedic Extremity/Foot-Ankle Journal Club. Retrieved from http://www(dot)continuing-ed(dot)cc/newsletter/Thessaly%20Test%20Journal%20Club%20handout.pdf
◦Schmelzer, M. (2004). Understanding statistics: What is alpha (á)? Gastroenterology Nursing, 27(6), 292–293.
Use the Ovid Nursing Journals Full Text database, and search using the article's author, title, or journal title.
This article, written by a nurse, explains the alpha statistic. Using common examples, such as tossing a coin, the author describes what the alpha statistic represents and suggests strategies for evaluating the statistical analysis of a research study.
◦Schmelzer, M. (2000). Understanding the research methodology: Should we trust the researchers' conclusions? Gastroenterology Nursing, 23(6), 269–274.
Use the Ovid Nursing Journals Full Text database, and search using the article's author, title, or journal title.
In this article, Dr. Schmelzer discusses strategies for evaluating the methodology of a research study. She also examines the statistics presented in the methodology section and explains common statistical terms.
◦Tinkham, M.R. (2014). Magnet insights: The value of research councils and journal clubs. AORN Journal, 100(2), 206-209, doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2014.05.004
In this article, Tinkham discusses the value of journal clubs and research councils.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing the Research
Institutional Affiliation;
In both the two educational research materials, it is evident that there are two research approaches – the qualitative and the quantitative methods displayed. Researchers who employ these two paradigms of research are considered as either qualitative or quantitative researchers. Studies reveal that these researchers at no instance cross into employing another research method into his work. For instance, a qualitative researcher cannot cross into the confines of the quantitative researchers and vice versa. The rationale behind this is mainly attributed to the fact that both the research paradigms have axiological and epistemological assumptions that are considered distinct.
This paper, therefore, seeks to identify some research components within a research project and evaluating the results of these projects by assessing the studies strengths and weaknesses of the study articles, within the qualitative and quantitative paradigms. The two principal articles of this study include; Impact of a smoking cessation educational program on nurses' interventions and the conceptualizations of culture and cultural care among undergraduate nursing students
Overview of Quantitative Article
Vandenberg & Kalischuk (2014) in their article titled, "Conceptualizations of culture and cultural care among undergraduate nursing students", pursues the audience of his readers by giving insights into the culture and cultural care. These authors depict the reasons why these elements have significantly become necessary within the nursing and healthcare industry.
According to them, the values that underlie the conceptualization of these approaches differ, a factor that has resulted in critical analysis and debates. In as much as there are variables among these methods and concepts, the ideals of culture and cultural care remain forgotten into the agendas of educational facilities and other nursing entities (Vandenberg, & Kalischuk, 2014). However, in spite the variability in the concepts of culture and cultural care especially among the undergraduate students little has been discovered about the perspectives that the students gain from these educational experiences.
There is a variety of conceptualizations with regards to culture that have an impact in the nursing student’s education. The Canadian students are known for the influences they face n cultural diversity and multiculturalism that are promoted in learning institutions in Canada. These organizations in many instances equate diversity with Canada’s immigrant, ethical, racial and linguistic structures (Vandenberg, & Kalischuk, 2014). This studies in as much as they may result in discouraging overt cases of discrimination; they also have the capacity to encourage the students to embrace culture as a difference in beliefs and practices, without focusing on the social, historical shaped relations in power without examination.
Research Question
The author of the book, "Conceptualizations of culture and cultural care among undergraduate nursing students" explores and critiques what the students, especially in the undergraduate classes, should learn about cul...
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