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Diabetes Annotated Bibliography

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Diabetes Annotated Bibliography
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Diabetes Annotated Bibliography
Rowley, W. R., Bezold, C., Arikan, Y., Byrne, E., & Krohe, S. (2017). Diabetes 2030: insights from yesterday, today, and future trends. Population health management, 20(1), 6-12. The article reviews available data on diabetes prevalence, death rate, and costs incurred in its control to forecast the probable diabetes level in the USA and other metropolitan towns in 2030. The national data source was from the USA 2010 Census Report while that of individual States based on the 2000 census report. According to the projections, the treatment and diabetes management's total cost will increase by 53% in the period 2015-2030 from the US $408 billion-$622 billion. At the same time, the diabetes prevalence will increase by 53%, from 35,644,000 people to 54,913,000. The research is relevant because it points out the severity of diabetes, which poses a significant health crisis in America. Therefore, the findings can help the government initiate diabetes prevention programs to reduce the progression from type 1 to type 2 diabetes mellitus, reducing the expected premature deaths and morbiditiesin the period 2015-2030.
Huang, D., Refaat, M., Mohammedi, K., Jayyousi, A., Al Suwaidi, J., & Abi Khalil, C. (2017). Macrovascular complications in patients with diabetes and prediabetes. BioMed research international, 2017. This study aims to show the risk and the progression of cardiovascular disease in patients suffering from diabetes and prediabetes. A random sampling application by the Veteran Affairs Diabetic Trial, where 1791 type diabetic Mellitus patients, was recruited. After that, there was intensive therapy targeting HbA1C in one group, and the other received A standard treatment that targeted HbA1C.
The study was relevant because it revealed that intensive glucose control could reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease. The findings can get a perfect application in using multiple risk control approaches to managing the macrovascular disease. As a result, there will be a reduction of incidences of annual mortality.
Domingueti, C. P., Dusse, L. M. S. A., das Graças Carvalho, M., de Sousa, L. P., Gomes, K. B., & Fernandes, A. P. (2016). Diabetes mellitus: the linkage between oxidative stress, inflammation, hypercoagulability, and vascular complications. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, 30(4), 738-745. The purpose of the review is to find the link in endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and their biomarkers in determining the pathogenesis in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In the study, 328 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 were monitored for 9years, and their biomarker levels were monitored from the deviation on the base level. The research as relevant because it revealed the probability of vascular dysfunction having a link with albuminuria and atherosclerosis vascular disease. Hence, the research findings could help get the pathophysiology of vascular incidences in diabetes and the use of biomarkers to predict the risk of cardiovascular, renal diseases.
Al-Awar, A., Kupai, K., Veszelka, M., Szűcs, G., Attieh, Z., Murlasits, Z., ... & Varga, C. (2016). Experim...
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