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2 pages/≈550 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Nursing and Management of Diabetes

Research Paper Instructions:

cite all work and provide at least three references/page

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Describe a selected, observed activity, or situation.
Often, people ignore the impact that self-care has in the management of diabetes as well as the overall healthcare of people. People flock to the fast-food joints for their daily intake of the delicacies that are offered. The surprising bit of the above statement is that the majority of those who frequent fast-food joints have heard of the message of eating healthy and how their diet impacts their health. In their study, Haynes-Maslow and Leone (2017) discovered that “each additional fast food restaurant per 1000 residents was associated with a 0.64 percentage point increase in diabetes prevalence.” With such a discovery, one would expect people to take a different approach in terms of what they consume. However, the observation I made was that people struggled immensely to make correct or healthy diet choices. Also, the surprising bit for me was that people know how impactful self-care can be in the management of diabetes. One might be led to dismiss the above observations as simply people being stubborn. However, on close observation, I realized that people’s inclination or decision to take fast foods should be regarded as an addiction because they do not have any control over their decisions. Many know that fast foods are a risk factor in diabetes, but they still ignore its negative impact on their health.
Explain what you observed in the context of quality indicators in your specialty of interest.
It is normal for healthcare professionals to focus their energy on finding the best care for their patients. Many will invest gruesome hours as they try to learn more about a disease or how best to care for their patients. However, a condition like diabetes is direct in that what a healthcare professional does could be outdone by what the patient does. So, even as one seeks to learn more about the condition, investment in patient education must also be considered.
Patient education in healthcare is a crucial quality indicator that often goes unnoticed, mainly because there is an expectation th...
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