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2 pages/≈550 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Research Critique of the article “Inappropriate Prevention of NSAID-Induced Gastrointestinal Events among Long-Term Users in the Elderly”

Research Paper Instructions:
i attached s sample and i want it done exactly like that. purpose of the study, strength, weakness, 3 nursing implication and conclusion .
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Research Critique Student’s Name: Institution of Learning: Course Code: Instructors Name: Date of Submission: Research Critique Purpose The main objective of the article “Inappropriate Prevention of NSAID-Induced Gastrointestinal Events among Long-Term Users in the Elderly” which was authored by Angel Lanas and Angel Ferrandez and published in the journal “rugs and Ageing” in the year 2007 is to investigate the methods applied in the prevention of the development of adverse gastrointestinal events among geriatric patients that constantly use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). The article acknowledges that geriatric patients continue to take prescriptions for these drugs in spite of their potential negative effects including mortality. The authors allege that for patients of sixty years or older, administration of NSAIDS should be accompanies by measures to prevent their negative effects such as administration of proton pump inhibitors, mosoprostol and cyclo-oxygenase selective NSAIDS among other measures. In spite of the fact that these measures should be applied as routine, often they are ignored by health care givers and even the patients themselves. The authors have given the reasons for non-adherence for these preventive measures by the patients. This was a secondary study that was focused on examining the information that is currently in existence concerning the topic in order for the researchers to synthesize their own conclusion and conclusions. There were no attempts by the authors to generate their own data. Strength The authors have organized their thoughts in a logical manne...
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