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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.37

Transitioning into the Professional Nursing Role

Research Paper Instructions:

please refer to the guideline for the number of sources
for preferred location i want to work in virginia especial santera hospital center and as a second choice i would want to work in washington
please when you do reference page make sure i can access it and on the reference write retrieved from

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Career Goal
Career Goal
Transitioning into the Professional Nursing Role
Transitioning into the professional role of nursing can be quite challenging. In this way, proper planning to be prepared for the change is essential and also to have a vision of the career goals I wish to accomplish. The state I am considering to seek employment is Virginia because this is where I grew up and my family lives around here.
The Virginia Board of Nursing requires individuals obtaining a Registered Nurse license to have a high school education or GED, as well as a degree or diploma. The other requirement is to attend a state approved program for nursing, which includes a 500 hours of direct client care supervised by a member of the faculty. The board also requires that one must register for a nationwide licensing exam with the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLX) (, 2017).
Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center is within 30 miles from where I live. MedStar Washington Center is also 30 miles from my grandmother’s home in case I relocate.
To apply for a job in these Sentara center I would need to provide my biographical information, contact details, education history, and licensure information, current and past employment, reference information, and complete a test of 100 questions. For MedStar I need to have a BSN degree, certification from the Washington Board of Nursing, NCLEX exam, and experience as a tech or nurse assistant. I also need references from the nursing school I graduated.
Holistic Balance
To maintain a holistic balance, I intend to perform my duties as a nurse with empathy and commitment within the first years. However, within the next five years, I will take “time out” when needed to avoid stress or fatigue that can cause my personal and professional failure. I also plan to seek support from colleagues and family members to ensure social stability. I also plan to live a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, exercises, and sharing with everyone around me tips of healthy living to ensure that I extend the holistic experience (Sharoff, 2008).
Stressors and Challenges
Within the first year, one stressor I anticipate is the challenge of passing the nursing exams. T...
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