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Iran Crisis History Research Paper Research Coursework

Research Paper Instructions:

The topic o this paper must be over the current unfolding situation in iran. This includes current and past events going back a year to include the drone killing of the general soleimani.
You may write about any aspect of the iran situation that you want. for example you may write about the political factors involved in the current tensions or about how your role as a reserve soldier might play into the possible war with iran. Below is a list of possible subjects that you may explore in your paper. The following ideas are not a complete list but just meant to give you ideas.
-Political climate that create the current tensions
-What will a possible war looks like?
-How does the situation affect iran's neighbors
-Should the US increase sanctions
-Why did we kill soleimani
-The history that lead to the current tensions
-Why did they harass S. Korean ship instead of a U.S ship.
-Does iran intend to create nuclear weapons? why or why nor.
You will do research on your chosen aspect of the current iranian events and site at least three sources for your research. This can be websites, books journals, interviews with family etc...This does not have to be formally cited. All you need to do is just list your sources at the bottom of your paper i8n no particular format.
Your essay will explore 5 Ws on your chosen subject to include who, what, when, where and why.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Iran Crisis
Iran Crisis
Iran has been the focus of the international community for many decades. The country declared Islam as the form of governance in 1979 and has advocated for militants and defined the international rules. Former president of the United States Donald trump ejected from the 2915 nuclear agreement between six states and Iran. President Trump's administration argued that the dead failed to manage the nuclear program and address other critical issues such as human rights abuses and support for the terror activities. As a result, Washington implemented sections to influence the change in the behaviors of the Iranian government. The crisis in Iran is partly affected by the government's decision, which poses a threat to other countries and its failure to adhere to the international community's principles and policies. 
Iran changed its strategies after the United States commissioned a drone strike that killed Qassim Soleimani, the Quds force leader. The move by the United States increased the tension that had already worsened between America and Iran. The leaders in Iran argued that the strike exacerbated an existing balancing act in sustaining the US and Iran relationship, which share a long border and religious and social links (Clayton, 2020). Over the past rowdy year for Iraq, the US troops and the allied Iranian forces engaged in a revenge attack in Iraq. The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) explored how the tensions played out in Iraq's past. The USIP also researched whether the United States' incoming administration desired to engage in new nuclear talks with Iran. The entity believes the new pact can help ally the impacts on Iraq. The killing of Qassim Soleimani caused further tensions between the United States and Iraq, strengthening Iran's thoughts still supporting terror groups and activities. 
The tension between Iran and the United States escalated long before the attack and killing of Soleimani. The critical points of contention include: the authority over the oil reserve revenues in Iran, the political interference in Tehran by the US, the desire to become a nuclear superpower, and the fact that both countries have rising influence in the Middle East. The relationship between the US and Iran records a long-complicated history.
In the 1990s, the British administration retained control over Iran's oil reserves through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The Iranians became tired of the foreign influence's involvement in controlling their natural resources. They started the diplomatic t...
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