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Life Sciences
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Importance of UV-C in HVAC Industry: Life Sciences Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Research Paper
Purpose Statement: This project is to give you an opportunity to explore a specific topic related to mechanical, air condition, vent systems in buildings. The research approach will be exploratory in design, provide a submission describing the possible topic title, brief discussion of the topic, 2‐3 objectives and 2‐3 key questions the paper will address.
The important thing is the following text is the title, topic and research direction of my research paper. Please write a research paper according to my topic. Thank you very much!
My research topic is about
Importance of UV-C in HVAC Industry
I plan to do some research about the function of UVC in HVAC system in building, and how the UAC kills the bacteria and viruses in HVAC system in building. As for the background, I believe that some related knowledge and information can explain the UVC system in details. Such as UVC wavelengths range from 200 to 300 nanometers, making them bactericidal - meaning they can inactivate microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. And the high energy produced by short-wave UVC light is absorbed by the cell's RNA and DNA, destroying the nucleic acid and preventing microbial infection and reproduction.
Next, I plan to make a list about my research objectives, first is effective maintenance of UVC in HVAC system ensures long term killing of bacteria and viruses. Second is the disinfection capacity of UVC System. And I also come up with some key question firstly what UVC in HVAC can kill kinds of viruses and microbes. Secondly, what method for UAC light to kill bacterium and virus. Thirdly, how UVC light efficiently kill bacteria and viruses. Fourth, can the type of ultraviolet light known as UVC light kill the novel coronavirus? For the above research objectives, I intend to focus on more data on the killing of bacteria and viruses by UVC and the practical application of UVC work in HVAC, then I will also do some surveys on the actual efficiency of UVC in HVAC system. Such as questionnaire survey, interview, expert consultation and etc.
Broad Topic: Papers are to be center on the mechanical/electrical industry or design impacts due to the current pandemic “COVID‐19”.
1. Gain more understanding of the mechanical and electrical industry.
2. Develop a possible “Capstone Topic”.
3. Produce a professional level paper on your research topic.
4. Prepare a professional presentation and orally present your findings.
5. Implement research techniques discussed in your research and methods course
Format: Paper will utilize the ASC (Associated School of Construction) formatting guidelines found at: www(dot)ascweb(dot)org. Grammar and spelling are important. Page layout: Font = 10pt. Times New Roman, 1” margins, single spaced. Length of the paper is 10 pages and appendices and reference pages do not count toward the page limit.
References: Include references in APA format from the following sources:
1. At least six (7) published books or journal publications.
2. At least three (3) web references. (CREDIBLE)
3. At least four (4) trade or contemporary periodicals or newspaper articles.
• 80% of the project grade is the 10 page paper.
o Relevance of topic
o Aims and Objective of the paper achieved.
o Literature review
o Methodology
o Conclusions
o Future research

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Importance of UV-C in HVAC Industry
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Importance of UV-C in HVAC Industry
There are millions of commercial buildings currently existing in different regions of the world. However, those working within such buildings are subject to be victims of allergies, sick building syndrome alongside various building-related illnesses due to the existing poor quality of indoor air. The Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) within the commercial building’s HVAC system provides one of the efficient ways of ensuring improvement in the air quality that reduces the level of health risks that the occupants are exposed to. However, there are various factors of consideration in the quest to consider the HVAC design of a building. Some of these factors entail the ultimate use of the facility, as well as the overall budget. The overall analysis should consider life cycle costs and the potential influence of the design solutions on the occupants in the future (An et al., 2018).
In this study, commercial building is applicable in referring to the buildings that are more than 1,000 square feet that basically provide half of their space for office work. A good percentage of people spend a significant amount of their time within these buildings with various systems at work such as ventilation, heating, and cooling systems. Such systems make the indoor air quality of prime importance within these environments. The nature of the indoor air quality always impacts the level of productivity and absenteeism, and of course, insurance premiums. There are both negative and positive impacts of UVGI. The reduced quality of the outside air may lead to the accumulation of contaminants indoors, which ultimately contributes to health effects such as building-related illness (BRI) as well as sick building syndrome (SBS). Some of the reasons behind poor air quality include indoor pollution as well as poor design and maintenance of the ventilation system, this makes it important the aspect of improving indoor air quality within commercial buildings that would contribute towards higher levels of productivity within the workforce. In this case, the use of UVGI technology is applicable to improve the quality of the indoor air (Chao-Yun et al., 2017).
Light is considered a crucial part of the electromagnetic spectrum capable of producing radiant energy. The Ultraviolet light spectrum ranges from short to longer wavelengths. In this case, it is important to note that UV light has wavelengths of approximately 350 nanometers and is basically categorized under invisible light. The existence of holes within the ozone layer increases cancer risk due to the presence of additional ultraviolet radiation within the troposphere. The UV has an ionizing effect that proves to be very harmful to body cells. In this case, when dealing with construction activities, there should be proper storage of building materials to avoid exposure to UV radiation (Rodgers & Saputa, 2017).
The level of contamination in HVAC units is widespread and, as discussed above, often leads to building-related diseases such as bacterial or viral infections, asthma, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. However, only certain UV lights are applicable in t...
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