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Financial Management Research Paper. Purpose of this study

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As average annual funding continue to decrease how can municipal law enforcement agencies continue to deliver a full complement of high-quality community policing and security services.

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Financial Management
Financial funding is crucial to the normal functioning of the government institutions. Municipal law enforcement agencies are among the most affected. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects that reduction in funding has had on the municipal law enforcement agencies. It was established that the reduction on funding has presented them with serious problems including laying off officers to cut on expenditure. To help remedy the situation, the study established that the department has employed several strategies to sustain them during times of financial meltdown. The strategies that the municipal has employed have helped them to maintain quality during financial troubles.
Financial Management
The continuous reduction in annual financial funding due to economic crisis has devastating impacts on the municipal law enforcement agencies. The law enforcement agencies have experienced unmanageable layoffs and severe budget cuts which adversely affects their operations. Some of the negative impacts include improvement in crime rates with less investigations being done and low training opportunities available to the officers due to insufficient funds available. However, municipal law enforcement agencies have adopted several strategies to ensure that they continue delivering full complement of high quality security services and community policing.
The municipal council ensures that it delivers effective community policing services by knowing the crimes to be eliminated, identifying the criminals, and the crime sports. Also, the council delivers effective policies by ascertaining the timing of the criminal activities, finding solutions to the potential issues, and identifying other areas of criminal activities (Scott, 2017). The strategies ensure that the council knows the priority areas that need more resources. Further, the council involves the public in the process to provide them with the needed information about any potential criminal activity. The working relationship between the community and the police will reduce the cost of employing more officers and increase the police understanding of the region. The method is important during period of financial crisis where the council will involve the community members in the process and employ few officers who are competent to manage the region.
Another strategy to improve the quality of services provided is to employ few officers and improve their training as well as supervision. The method helps in increasing public perception of the municipal council department. Training fewer officers is cost effective as the department will not waste its resources in employing new officers who are not competent for the job (Gaines &Kappeler, 2014). Further, employing fewer officers and properly remunerating them will increase their retention. Retention is important in reducing the cost of training officers every time. Moreover, training and retaining officers is important in maintaining compet...
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