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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
5 Sources
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.37

The Impact of Amazon Shipping Expansion

Research Paper Instructions:

How to develop the ethics section in the research paper
Students should revise the sections that were reviewed in class and complete the ethics section of the paper. The following sections should be completed with a review of the lecture notes from class.
1. Ethical Handling of Qualitative Data (secondary data)
2. Ethical Handling of Quantitative Data (primary/survey data)
3. Ethical Handling of Sample (how you will handle the sample)
4. IRB Protocols ( How you will ensure that the guidelines are upheld)
Complete the sections listed with clear sub headings to label each address. Students should attempt to select the theory that was discussed in class, define the theory with documentation, and discuss why the theory could assist in assessing the problem and the variables in your study.
If you have any question pls let me know. Please read the attached filed and follow the instruction.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of Amazon Shipping Expansion
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The Impact of Amazon Shipping Expansion
Ethical Handling of Qualitative Data 
Learning how to handle samples and qualitative and quantitative data essential so the results are understood in context. Thus, the best evidence supports the research with peer-reviewed journal sources used to support the research and all the documented sources. There are four independent variables in the research, and data and information are collected for the dependent and four independent variables. Electronic databases such as Ebsco, JSTOR, ProQuest, and Google Scholar enable researchers and other users to search the most relevant journal articles and information. Data and information from other reputable online sources such as the Wall Street Journal and Harvard business review. It is necessary to be well prepared as researchers are to collect and handle qualitative data, including knowing how to analyze secondary data and using a qualitative methodological approach. Achieving a more efficient supply chain requires evaluating factors demand requirements, capacity constraints lead time, and flexibility to optimize operations (Doxey, 2019). Secondary data is readily available for researchers but should be relevant to the research question on the impact of Amazon shipping expansion.
Ethical Handling of Quantitative Data
 Participants will be informed about the aim of the research to get full consent and asked to participate by the researcher where there is a full understanding of what the research entails. Confidentiality, privacy, and anonymity are among the key ethical issues in research. Confidentiality of information and data protects the privacy of research participants by protecting personal, identifying information when collecting, analyzing, and reporting data. Privacy protecting respects participants' autonomy and the participants' choose what information to disclose, and this requires protecting their autonomy. 
Anonymity is col...
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