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Research Paper
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Integration and Application: Managerial Overview

Research Paper Instructions:
Option #2: Integration and Application: Managerial Overview Now is the time to bring together all that you have learned throughout this course, to integrate and evaluate the various topics you have explored and researched. For the Portfolio assignment, you will write a 5-to-6-page paper (not including the title page and reference page). Part I: Select a Human Services organization, either in your own region nationwide, or at the global level, that holds interest for you as a human services professional. (Examples of organizations could be the Harbel Community Organization in Baltimore, MD or Families Moving Forward in Minneapolis, MN.) Review the organization's website, any related press releases, and journal articles that mention its programs or accomplishments. Address the following with regard to the organization you select: -What it is about this organization's services that interests you as human services professional? -How is the organization structured and who are the stakeholders (Board of Directors, investors/funding sources, management team, government agencies, and clients, for example)? -Any information the organization lists regarding employee engagement, motivation, benefits, and/or recognition. Part II: Imagine you have been hired as a supervisor within this organization. Address the following elements within the context of the organization's mission and/or vision: -How you would incorporate a contemporary management theory with your staff? -How you would incorporate a motivational theory with your staff? -What traits or experience you would find most appealing when hiring new employees? Your paper must support your claims with at least four appropriate references (other than the textbook) and be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Use the CSU-Global library to find appropriate scholarly/academic references. References Module Introduction 1 Readings Required -Chapter 1 in Excellence in Human Service Organization Management -Lauffer, A. (2011). Concepts, Theories, and Classifications. In Understanding your social agency. (pp.38-46). Retrieved from http://www(dot)sagepub(dot)com/sites/default/files/upm-binaries/37949_Chapter2.pdf -Zeiger, S. (2013). The difference between a classical management theory & a human relations theory. Small Business by Diamond Media. Chron. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness(dot)chron(dot)com/difference-between-classical-management-theory-human-relations-theory-35928.html Recommended -Hawthorne, M. (2015). Management theories & concepts at the workplace. Small Business by Diamond Media. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness(dot)chron(dot)com/management-theories-concepts-workplace-17693.html -Wilson, S. (2013). Leadership styles in social services. SSSC news. Retrieved from http://ssscnews(dot)uk(dot)com/2013/10/09/leadership-styles-in-social-services/ Module Introduction 2 Readings Required -Chapters 2 & 3 in Excellence in Human Service Organization Management -McMurray, A. J., Islam, M. M., Sarros, J. C., & Pirola-Merlo, A. (2013). Workplace innovation in a nonprofit organization. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 23(3), 367-370. doi:10.1002/nml.21066 Recommended -Better Business TV. (2013, March). What Makes Managing a Non-profit Different? [Video file – 12:37 minutes]. Retrieved from http://youtu(dot)be/UUnXueCkrzg -Grant, A. (2013). Givers take all: The hidden dimension of corporate culture. Mckinsey Quarterly, (2), 52-65. -Kardas, C.L. (2010, Winter). The power of nonprofits: analyzing the organization's culture. Nonprofit Advantage, 25-26. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ctnonprofits(dot)org/ctnonprofits/sites/default/files/fckeditor/file/resources/publications/NPA-articles/ThePowerofNonprofits.pdf Module Introduction 3 Readings Required -Chapters 6 and 7 in Excellence in Human Service Organization Management -Bradt, G. (2012). "Onboard" employees to attract and retain top talent. Nonprofit Business Advisor, (272), 4-5. doi:10.1002/nba -The Bridgespan Group (n.d.). Building the recruiting team. Retrieved from http://www(dot)bridgespan(dot)org/Publications-and-Tools/Hiring-Nonprofit-Leaders/HiringTools/Building-Recruiting-Team.aspx#.VfHLT3tJNek Recommended -Jelovac, D., Wal, Z., & Jelovac, A. (2011). Business and government ethics in the 'new' and 'old' EU: An empirical account of public-private value congruence in Slovenia and the Netherlands. Journal of Business Ethics, 103(1), 127-141. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-0846-5 -NonprofitHR (2014). 2014 Nonprofit employment practices survey. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nonprofithr(dot)com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/2014NEP_SurveyReport-FINAL.pdf Module Introduction 4 Readings Required -Chapter 8 in Excellence in Human Service Organization Management -Acosta, G. (2013). 5 career tips: Networking in the social work profession. USC Social Work Virtual Academic Center. Retrieved from https://msw(dot)usc(dot)edu/mswusc-blog/social-work-networking/ -Ariely, D. (2013, April). What makes us feel good about our work? [Video file – 20:26 mins]. TED. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/dan_ariely_what_makes_us_feel_good_about_our_work.html -Banuri, S., & Keefer, P. (2013). Intrinsic motivation, effort, and the call to public service. (pp. 1-6). Social Science Research Network. Retrieved from http://papers(dot)ssrn(dot)com/sol3/Papers.cfm?abstract_id=2370149 -Llopis, G. (2012). 7 reasons networking can be a professional development boot camp. Forbes. Retrieved from http://www(dot)forbes(dot)com/sites/glennllopis/2012/05/29/7-reasons-networking-can-be-a-professional-development-boot-camp/ Recommended -Watner, K. (2009, December) Behavioral Minute: Building reinforcement into your work. [Video file – 1:58 mins]. Aubrey Daniels International. Retrieved from http://aubreydaniels(dot)com/behavioral-minute-building-reinforcement-your-work Johansen, M., & LeRoux, K. (2013). Managerial networking in nonprofit organizations: the impact of networking on organizational and advocacy effectiveness. Public Administration Review, 73(2), 355-363. doi:10.1111/puar.12017 -Paarlberg, L. E., & Lavigna, B. (2010). Transformational leadership and public service motivation: Driving individual and organizational performance. Public Administration Review, 70(5), 710-718. Module Introduction 5 Readings Required -Chapter 3 (review pages 79-84) and Chapter 4 (pages 110-115 only) in Excellence in Human Service Organization Management -McRay, G. (2012). Ten practical things you can do this month to enhance your board. Foundation Group. Retrieved from http://www(dot)501c3(dot)org/blog/10-practical-things-you-can-do-this-month-to-enhance-your-board/ (2013). Characteristics of effective teams: Examples and qualities. [Video file – 4:14 mins]. Retrieved from http://education-portal(dot)com/academy/lesson/characteristics-of-effective-teams-examples-and-qualities.html#lesson -McMurray, A. J., Mazharul, I., Sarros, J. C., & Pirola-Merlo, A. (2012). The impact of leadership on workgroup climate and performance in a non-profit organization. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(6), 522-549. doi:http://dx(dot)doi(dot)org/10.1108/01437731211253000 Recommended -Benevene, P., Cortini, M., & Callea, A. (2011). Teamwork: A comparison between no-profit and public organization. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology, 5(1), 517-528. Retrieved from http://www(dot)researchgate(dot)net/publication/215872614_Teamwork_a_comparison_between_no-profit_and_public_organization -Willems, J. (2015). Building shared mental models of organizational effectiveness in leadership teams through team member exchange quality. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 0899764015601244. http://nvs(dot)sagepub(dot)com/content/early/2015/08/17/0899764015601244.full.pdf+html Module Introduction 6 Readings Required -Chapters 9 & 12 in Excellence in Human Service Organization Management -Heathfield, S.M. (n.d.). 360 degree feedback: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Retrieved from http://humanresources(dot)about(dot)com/od/360feedback/a/360feedback.htm -Lalayants, M. (2012). Differential program evaluation model in child protection. Child Welfare, 91(4), 27-36. -Pulakos, E. D., Hanson, R. M., Arad, S., & Moye, N. (2015). Performance management can be fixed: An on-the-job experiential learning approach for complex behavior change. Industrial & Organizational Psychology, 8(1), 51-76. doi:10.1017/iop.2014.2 Recommended BetterEvaluation (n.d.) Participatory evaluation. Retrieved from http://betterevaluation(dot)org/plan/approach/participatory_evaluation -Bullen, P. (n.d.). Evaluating human services: Complexity-uncertainty-self-delusion-rigour. Retrieved from http://www(dot)mapl(dot)com(dot)au/A1.htm Module Introduction 7 Readings Required -Hansell, D. (2012). Think globally, serve locally: The US human service marketplace of the future and its place in the world. Policy & Practice, 70(5), 8-13, 37. -Nuffield Foundation (2015). Child welfare and development. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nuffieldfoundation(dot)org/child-welfare-and-development -Oghojafor, B., Idowu, A., & Oj, G. (2012). Application of management theories and philosophies in Nigeria and their associated problems. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(21), 72-81. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ijbssnet(dot)com/journals/Vol_3_No_21_November_2012/8.pdf Recommended -Boddy, J. & Statham, J. (2009). European perspectives on social work. Nuffield Foundation. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nuffieldfoundation(dot)org/european-perspectives-social-work -Kinley, L., & Christie, S. (2011). Many voices, one purpose. AI Practitioner, 13(2), 18-23. Module Introduction 8 Readings Required -Comstock, B. (2013). Figure It Out. Harvard Business Review, 91(5), 42. -Packard, T. (2008). Leadership and Performance in Human Service Organizations. In The handbook of human services management, pp. 154-159. Retrieved from http://www(dot)sagepub(dot)com/sites/default/files/upm-binaries/27204_7.pdf -Oftelie, A. M., Booth, J., & Wareing, T. (2012). Leading change in human services. Policy & Practice (19426828), 70(3), 11-15. -National Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center for Systems of Care (2011). Gaining buy-in from the front line during times of change. Systems of Care Leadership Series. Retrieved from https://www(dot)childwelfare(dot)gov/management/reform/soc/communicate/initiative/actionbriefs/briefs/GainingBuy-InFromtheFrontLine.pdf Recommended -Battilana, J., & Casciaro, T. (2012). Change agents, networks, and institutions: A Contingency Theory of organizational change. Academy Of Management Journal, 55(2), 381-398. -Bennis, W. (2010). We need leaders. Leadership Excellence, 27(12), 4.
Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Integration and Application: Managerial Overview Institution Date Introduction Human service providers are charged with the responsibility of meeting human needs through the possession and application of knowledge base that focuses on prevention and remediation of problems within the communities. They also commit to improving overall quality of life, of the people. Human service providers, therefore, improve the quality of life by ensuring availability, responsibility, and coordination among qualified agencies who deliver the services. The profession, thus, improves quality and standard of life through participant empowerment, advocacy and community support (Hasenfeld, 2009). Human service organizations work together with families, consumers and other communal factors to intertwine community resources, offer specialized assistance and natural wellbeing for the promotion of communal welfare, empowerment and community membership. To stay afloat, the organizations must acquire new skills, new training in the frameworks that take into considerations the changing dynamics of the field. Human service organizations provide shelter and care for the elderly members of the society; they also offer protection to people who are mentally ill or handicapped. When mentally challenged individuals reach the age of twenty-one, their eligibility for programs in public schools ceases, community-based organizations come in to bridge that gap. Therefore, human service agencies can be described as the bridge between institutions for the chronically mentally ill, the aged, and other particular groups who require specialized care and protection within the society (Hasenfeld, 2009). One of such organizations is HARBEL Community Organization, based in Baltimore. This assignment seeks to gather insights on the activities of the organization, its structural composition, values, mission, funding as well as discuss how the agency would incorporate contemporary management theory, motivational theory, and major traits in new employs when hiring. Overview of HARBEL Community Organization Of interest to me as a human service professional, is the prevention and recovery services offered by HARBEL community. The prevention and restoration center is an outpatient center for prevention and treatment of victims of substance abuse ("HARBEL Prevention & Recovery", 2016). The facility is located in Baltimore city and serves both adolescents and adults. The center's mission is to provide efficient, high-quality services in assisting individuals to reduce and eliminate involvement with substance abuse. It offers early intervention for adolescents who are at risk of drug addiction as well as specialized treatment for men, women, adolescent, persons involved in domestic violence, as well as juvenile delinquents. The organizational structure at HARBEL is hierarchical, with the president being at the top-most level, followed by the vice president, the organization's secretary, the treasurer and the executive directors. The board of directors provides oversight to the top management. The board is constituted by Anelle Cousino, Jo Deaton, Linda Doughty, Rosa Dowdy, SueFitzsimmons, Timothy Johnson, D...
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