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Research Paper
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American History

Research Paper Instructions:
What was the relationship between the Transcendentalists and the Abolitionists?
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(January 13, 2012)
American History
This paper discuses the relationship between the Transcendentalists and the Abolitionists. The transcendentalists were from a movement in New England (U.S.) that developed during the 1800s so as to protest about the culture and society. They protested on the religious doctrines and about their philosophy spirituality and state of mind. It cannot be said to be a religion since it did not adhere to the common aspects of religion. They were thought to be post Unitarian and had freedom in spirituality; philosophical and individualistic ad romantic in literature.
Just like the Transcendentalists, the Abolitionist was a movement in the U.S. that was opposed to certain ideologies. While the Transcendentalists were opposed to culture, society and the state of intellectualism during that time; the Abolitionists were opposed to the slavery and advocated for slave free states in the U.S. They were all in the history of America and help shape the society through fighting for rights and privileges of the oppressed.
Both groups were based on religion and beliefs since the abolition was a movement for the Protestants who were tied of the role of the church in fighting for the slaves. The movements were also very active in the 1800’s as slave trade was abolished in 1865 and though Abolitionism had started earlier its effects were realized in the 1800’s. The two movements influenced and shaped the future of America and set precedence for other movements to fight for their rights. Through such movements the Americans can boast of a free society that is transformed to be democratic and respects the rights of every person including the minority. The groups found their inspiration to revolt against rulers from thoughts and idealism which they would follow strictly and implement.
Zilversmit, Arthur. The First Emancipation: The Abolition of Slavery in the North. Chica...
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