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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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Potential Funds for Investment and Comparative Fund Evaluation

Research Paper Instructions:

Please write section 5 and 6, and feel free to contact me if there is any problem
Section 5: Potential Fund Investments: Individual students are asked to identify three potential funds for investment from within each one of the five major hedge fund investment strategies. That is 15 funds per team. Each student should provide one paragraph for each their three respective funds within a strategy. List the 15 funds under consideration. 5 pages in total. 1 page per person describing the 5 funds. 2 points.
Section 6: Comparative Fund Evaluation and Final Recommendations. Individual students should discuss the relative pros and cons of each manager and fund based on the selection criteria and other research. Be sure to discuss both the manager and the fund you selected, including their backgrounds and education, their employees, office locations, service providers, pedigrees and experience in addition to their risk statistic’s and performance. Individual students should highlight the one fund they believe is the best choice for the investor and explain the reasons why. Total of 5 funds s/b recommended. 1 page in total. 1 paragraph for each best choice. 2 points.

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Section 5
Long short equity strategy
A long-short equity strategy is an investment management policy that minimizes market risk by taking long and short positions. Investors' ideology is that if the market shares decline, the short position will still be able to minimize losses and keep the investment profitable. In a long position, investors buy undervalued stocks, which increase over time, earning more profits. A short position is about capital preservation, while a long position offers a platform for wealth creation (Barth et al., 20). There are vital fundings that can be invested through the lengthy short equity strategy to realize profits in the future. Real estates, stocks, and mutual funds are a significant potential for fund investments and arguably the best to bring huge earnings as the market shares skyrocket.
Stocks represent ownership in profit-generating companies, which represents investing in an economy. It is the nature of stocks to rise in value over the long term. Hence, in return, paying high profits to investors resulting in a stable income (Barth et al. 20). Stock markets run actively and are liquid investments whereby an investor can buy and sell their shares at any given time. Further, an investor can spread their fortunes across different companies to increase the diversity of their stocks across international borders to realize profits. Stocks involve both capital gains as well as dividend incomes. Growth stocks bring about capital gains in a company's market shares. The companies with growing stocks primarily invest back the profits in the growing market value rather than paying investors their dividends. Companies offer high dividends stocks that will return vast profits to investors in dividends. Moreover, high dividend companies offer an advantage since the capital value appreciates, thus producing the best long-term investments.
Real estate
Real estate investment trusts are a type of investment channeling funding into real estate homes. The return on investment comes through either mortgage or equity ownership, where properties are always in commercial value (Barth et al. 20). Further, real estate crowdfunding is a peer-to-peer lending type of investment where the investor is not entirely involved in the process. Crowdfunding allows the investor to choose any method for investing in a property by selecting specific real estate investments they desire and the amount to be inves...
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