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MGG303. Sustainability Proposal Assignment. Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Sustainability Proposal Assignment
MGG 303
Spring 2020
First Draft Due (at least 500 words): Wednesday, April 22
Peer Review: Friday, April 24
Final Draft Due: Monday, April 27
For our next formal assignment, you will be writing a proposal concerning changes you wouldlike to see at a real life organization (this can be a corporation, non-profit organization, oreducational institution). These changes you propose should pertain to ways that the organizationcan be more sustainable in the future. The rhetorical situation of this assignment involves youchoosing a problem you would like to solve at the organization, doing research on the problemand possible solutions, identifying a solution you believe will work based on your research, andchoosing an audience to write towards that would be appropriate given your topic.
The proposal must be at least 1,000 words and include the use of reliable research (see Chapter12 on pages 368-403 and Chapter 13 on pages 404-443 of Business Communication for help).Your research should be cited using MLA or APA guidelines (see OWL at Purdue).
Your report will be assessed according to the following criteria:
-- Ability to meet the minimum requirements of the assignment
-- Readability (this has to do with word choice, syntax, use of engaging examples, and soforth)
-- Use of research and reliability of sources (including proper citation) -- Appropriateness of toneand awareness of the rhetorical situation
-- Formatting
-- Lack of errors in spelling and punctuation

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MGG303- Sustainability Proposal Assignment
Executive Summary
Fashion and Textile companies are taking measures that involve sustainable practices in their material sourcing, manufacturing, and processing as well as distribution. Textile and fashion industries have taken center stage in the implementation of sustainable goals. This involves their methods of sourcing materials as well as producing cloth materials that are sustainable to the environment (Moore et al. 585). The Textile industry has a lot of reasons to ensure there is sustainability. Sustainability enables these industries to save costs, sustain goodwill from the consumers, and also protect the environment. Additionally, there is a need for textile industries to provide apparel materials that reduce microfibers pollution and check on minimizing the impacts of climate change through environmental contamination. The purpose of this proposal is to propose sustainable changes to be implemented by SAS Textiles Company based in the United States.
Sustainability involves the development that aimed at satisfying the needs of the present generation in a way that that the future generations will not be compromised. Furthermore, sustainability is aimed at there is a balance between economic growth, environmental conservation, and social well-being for all. According to Maia et al. (185), the textile and fashion industry needs to take measures to reduce the use of bulky raw materials because most of them are sourced from the natural environment. Approximately 70 million trees and 65 million barrels are used to manufacture polyester worldwide (Moore et al. 598). Polyester material takes more than two centuries to decompose. Textile industries demand a lot of water in some processes like finishing fabrics. For Textile industries to have enough water, they require greater use of energy and this causes some environmental issues like contamination and toxicity. Other environmental concerns include air pollution, packaging that is no reusable, and animal welfare issues from acquiring raw materials.
Employees in the Textile industries are exposed to hazardous chemicals. Employees handle solvents and crease-resistant chemicals that release toxic compounds, Exposure to these chemicals can get employees infected with different types of cancer like thyroid and stomach cancers. Additionally, high levels of noise are very dangerous to the health of the employees and other staff members. These issues are rampant in developing countries where machines are not maintained well. These noises can cause hearing problems, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, and anxiety to the employees. Cotton dust also causes hearing problems. Cotton dust also causes breathing problems among the employees.
Additionally, plastic microfibers account for 70% of waste materials found along ocean shores. Microfibers are a threat to marine life as well as pollution to ocean water (Maia et al. 185). As a result of these reports, there is a need for SAS Textiles Company to manufacture clothing materials that are fewer pollutants to the environment. Furthermore, SAS Textiles should produce documents that conserve the environment fo...
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