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8 pages/β‰ˆ2200 words
4 Sources
Communications & Media
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Mass media

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Does television programing that contains violence and aggressive content make us a more violent and aggressive society? 3 Internet 2 Books/Articles I believe programing that contains violence and agressive content does not have a negative effect on society.
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Mass media
The paper basically focuses on whether the television programming that contains violence and aggressive content make us a more violent and aggressive society
From the various researches that have been carried out concerning violent television and films, music and video games, it has been established that media violence has the potential of increasing the likelihood of violent behavior and aggressiveness in both the long term and immediate contexts (Anderson et al.81). In addition to that, the impact of the violent media on the adolescents and children have been a subject of discussion since the introduction of media thus involving a complex of interplay of politics, commercial interest, public advocacy and policies. The federal agencies and the U.S. Congress probed by child advocacy groups and professional organizations, have often claimed that violence in the entertainment media have resulted to the negative impacts on children thus making them call for more social responsibility and self-regulation by media industries. These media industries especially the television, has always responded through criticizing various number of studies in which the claims were based by disputing their findings and interpretations hence pointing out to their amendment rights. However some authors argue that the youth violence is a complex problem that has been caused by many interactive factors such as domestic violence, poor monitoring, inappropriate or inadequate patterns of communication that all result as a result of ineffective parenting. Other factors that contribute to youth violence are such as drug use, racism peer pressure, peer rejection, poverty and violence in the various cultures. Due to the above mentioned, it has been proved difficult to determine these factors impact on promoting aggressiveness and violent behaviors as parents have been considered as the main prominent and potent force in their children`s social and emotional development.
Anderson et al views media violence as a serious threat to the health of the public as it stimulates violence behavior among the youths (85). Most researchers by the early 1990s had already arrived at a conclusion that the significance of media violence on violent behavior and aggressiveness was causal, significance and real.
Many educators, providers and parents have become more concerned on the amount of television and programming types to which the children are often being exposed ("American Academy of Pediatrics" 425).Young children especially those under the age of two years on averagely spend two hours every day watching screen media or television. Therefore the American Academy of Pediatrics gives advice that the children under the age of two should not watch television as studies show that too much of television viewing can have harmful effects to the small children. For example children may develop attention difficult...
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