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1 page/≈275 words
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Communications & Media
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.75

Social and Emotional Context in Children

Research Paper Instructions:

You should read and summarize the research paper in clear, concise language – emphasizing elements including hypotheses or research questions, methods, conclusions and a brief opinion.
In detail: you should summarize in a sentence or two each: the abstract, lit review, hypotheses, methods, conclusions and author thoughts on future research. Then add one sentence of your own on a direction you think future research might take. That's all.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
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Social and Emotional Context in Children
The characteristics of a television program can facilitate emotional and social learning (SEL) in children. Christensen et al. created an educational program to determine the effectiveness of the SEL content in educational episodes. The researchers focus on several skills, including decision-making, interpersonal and social-awareness, self-management, and self-awareness. Based on the capacity model theory (Christensen et al. 23). Children process what they view on television in their working memory, which has an unlimited capacity to manage new content.
Television programs have both educational and narrative content. Multiple content can reduce demands on working memory capacity, thereby encouraging deeper processing of the educational material. The study’s research questions seek to determine the self skills emphasized in the videos and the episodes’ pe...
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