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Describing the Middle-Class of America

Research Paper Instructions:

Your Task
DOCUMENT & DESCRIBE. Take pictures of a few public things in your area that you associate with the "middle class." (You can search the web if need be). What kinds of cultural practices and material cultural objects do you associate with the American "middle class"? Both visually and verbally, describe:
1.What kind of house or dwelling do they live in? (photo). Where do they live?
2. What kinds of jobs do they have?
3. What--and where--do they eat? (photo)
4. What kind of car do they drive? (photo)
5. What kinds of hobbies or leisure activities do they have?
6. What other kinds of cultural practices or material culture objects do you think they engage with? (this is wide open, privide at least one image/photo).
Approx. 500 Words and insert your images into a word document. If you’re not sure how to respond, use ethnography—ask people. Remember, I am here to help you! Please ask.
You are an "anthropologist from another world." You are trying to describe cultural phenomena related to what Americans call "the Middle Class." Don't exoticize or objectify "those people;" that is, keep relativism and ethnocentrism in mind.

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The Middle-Class of America
This paper is aimed at analyzing the traditions, lifestyle, and conventions of the Middle Class of the United States. The focus is retained on houses, cars, hobbies, jobs, and eating habits.
Mostly, middle-class Americans live in small to medium-sized metros in larger number in South and West. The typical middle-class houses are made of wood, while the interior designs including plaster or sheetrock. The other exterior materials include brick, shingle, vinyl plastic, aluminium or other firm compound substances. Usually, the typical roofs are made of three-tab stones. However, the middle-class families earning up to $100,000 prefer wood or tile for better architecture (Zhang 66). The houses have big kitchens, dining rooms, bed-rooms, attach bathrooms and all essentials to live a comfortable life.
To understand the jobs associated with the middle-class in America, we need to understand their sub-categories;
Working Class. This category of middle-class have people with mostly blue-collar jobs and earning low incomes and having lack of health and education facilities.
Lower-Middle-Class. The people of this group usually get white-collar jobs enjoying a better income and allowances than the working class.
Upper-Middle-Class. These people work in offices earning the highest of all. They are also physicians, lawyers, engineers and ministers (Zhang 68).Food
In terms of food, there is ethnical diversity among the middle-class across America. However, their meals are based on imported cultures like France, China and India. This group of people recreates these imported cuisines to consume. The most eaten American food is a casserole, hamburger, Chop Suey, pizza, sandwiches, heavily cultural meals, Spanish cuisine and simple hand-made dishes like pancakes, taco, spaghetti or chicken breast. Usually, they follow a strict routine with different time schedules for different members of a family that is why they hardly spend once a...
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