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Social Sciences
Research Proposal
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Public Opinion Death Penalty versus Life Imprisonment

Research Proposal Instructions:

Step one: You need a research question. You can use the same question you used for your survey, or a different one.
Step two: Do a literature review to see what is already known about the topic
Step three: Decide on a method. It doesn’t have to be a survey, it can be any method or combination of methods. Say why this is the most appropriate method for your project
Step four: Decide on a sampling strategy
Step five: Write the research proposal document, using these sections (plus an introduction)
Don’t string together quotes to make a paper. That’s a C paper.
Don’t make a paper by giving your opinion instead of showing how well-informed you are. That’s a C paper too.
Paraphrase and cite the author like this (Author, 2016).
Don’t use sources that are more than 10 years old.
There are very few websites that I will accept as sources. .gov websites and the Pew Research Center are ok. Check with me.
Use keywords and limit your search by journal articles only, and by dates 2006-2017.
You can search JSTOR from the library website and
The search box in at the upper right (for the link above)
Social media topics: http://journals(dot)sagepub(dot)com/home/sms
Researching public opinion: http://www(dot)pewresearch(dot)org

Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:

A Research Proposal on Public Opinion Death Penalty versus Life Imprisonment
Institution of affiliation
A Research Proposal on Public Opinion Death Penalty versus Life Imprisonment
The judicial system and the disciplinary code of the United States have developed two highest forms of penalties for crimes; that is a death sentence and life imprisonment without parole. Many arguments concerning these forms of punishment have brought forth diverse points of view that are both compelling and persuasive. Critics of life imprisonment and death penalty argue that both types of punishment for the crime are not based on the ethical and moral principles of the society. Some of them even cite religious sources. The proponents, on the other hand, provide their legal justifications.
Members of the public have diverse opinions regarding death sentence and life imprisonment. Some members of the public usually wonder why the government would spend taxpayers' money to keep a criminal alive in prison, yet death sentences would quickly eliminate them. They argue that death penalties will reduce crime in society and avoid economic expenses on the prisoners. Others feel that it is not appropriate to equate human life with the resources that are used to preserve it in prison, claiming that death sentences are inhumane. Besides, they question the morality of US society in taking human life. In the US, more than thirty-two states have legalized death sentences. The Federal government has also sanctioned the death penalty. Also, the US military enjoys the right to penalize individuals with death sentences. On the contrary, 18 states, including the District of Columbia, have never authorized or annulled death sentences.
Statement of the Problem
The two highest forms of punishment in the United States are incarceration and death penalty. The members of the public hold differing opinions concerning these forms of sentences, particularly death penalties. Other members aggressively support it while others do not. It is, therefore, worthwhile to understand which of the two penalties has the most exceptional public support and the reason behind differences in public opinions.
Research Objectives
1 To investigate the opinion of the public regarding death sentences and life imprisonment.
2 To determine the proportions of members of that public that prefers the death penalty over life incarceration.
3 To determine how race, gender, religion and political affiliations of the members affect their opinions regarding death penalties and life imprisonment.
4 To identify the reasons why different members of the public hold divergent opinions regarding death penalty and life imprisonment.
Research Questions
* What are the popular public opinions concerning life penalty and life imprisonment?
* What proportions of members of that public that prefers death penalty over life incarceration?
* How do race, gender, religion and political affiliations of the members affect their opinions regarding death penalties and life imprisonment?
* Why do members of the public hold divergent opinions regarding death penalty and life imprisonment?
Purpose of the Study
This research intends to compare the diverse ...
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