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2 pages/≈550 words
4 Sources
Social Sciences
Research Proposal
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 8.64

Drugs and crime in canada

Research Proposal Instructions:
Please pay attention to my instructions carefully !!!!!!! This is the research paper outline , I want from you guys !!!!! In this outline , i need a introduction (just put the main points of introduction and a thesis statement ). Then after I Need three or more different topic sentences in which 4 sources can be used ( just need to provide main points ( because it is concise research paper outline) . Then in the last a conclusion and references which have been used in this research paper outline and please make sure use those sources which are easily accessible because if instructor would ask me for that I can easily provide those. And the most important thing i need this outline in three days and I need the same writer for writing my research paper on the same outline you guys gonna provide me. So for that research paper urgency is 40 days. I\'ll place a different order for that!!!
Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:
Drugs and Crime in Canada Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Date of Submission Drugs and crime in Canada Introduction The use of drugs is an important element that is associated with crime, as there is a complex link between the two. The variation is from simple possession of drugs to the organized crimes for control of drug trade. The consequences of drug use can also lead to addiction leading to commission of crimes for quick money to satisfy drug needs. There are inherent consequences of drug use by generating direct cost of both health ad justice systems and indirect cost of productivity and social toll of drug users. Illicit drug users are engaged to crime as a source of income and the extent of drug consumption. Dependence and tolerance is facilitated by regular drug use hence increasing financial needs to cover the cost of drug consumption (Manzoni, 2007). Engagement of drug users to criminal activities is to generate income through crimes such as theft, and burglary, engagement in drug trade through distribution and women generating proceeds from sex work. The aim of this paper is to examine the extent of criminal involvement and drug use and factors that are associated with specific crimes and their impact. The dynamics that contribute to crime are associated with pharmacological effect, socio-economic, dependence, and demographic aspects of drug users. The involvement of criminal activities is during high periods of substance use declining with period of abstinence. The chronic and cumulative effects of substance use facilitate types of crime, as they damage the moral sense of users rendering them incapable to distinguish right from wrong. Intoxication reduces anxiety and fear hence, they facilitate behaviors which are difficult to find when sober (Hammersley, 2008). People who have drug problem have the tendence to offend as their behavior is influenced by drugs. Socio-economic status is another factor that contributes to criminal act...
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