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1 page/≈275 words
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Social Sciences
Term Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Venus of Willendorf and Its Value

Term Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, you are asked to pick a cultural work from any time period and culture and evaluate how the insights you collected help indicate the value of the object to the culture.
After making your selection of a cultural work, consider the items below. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Describe the selected work.
Describe the time period the work belongs to.
Determine the culture the work belongs to and describe its value to that culture.
Explain how the cultural work helped deal with specific societal issues of the time.
Some resources; Reading.

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Venus of Willendorf
The cultural work selected is Venus of Willendorf. Although this piece of cultural work was discovered in the early 20th century, it is believed to have been crafted between 30,000 and 25,000 BCE. It is a statuette of a naked female with an exaggerated projection of a woman's breasts and hips. It is 4.4-inches tall, but it is crafted without a face. Furthermore, although it has visible hands, they seem too small compared to other parts of the body (Snijdelaar, 2021). Since it also lacks feet, it is an indication that this cultural art may have been pegged into the ground. Venus of Willendorf is also said to have been made from various materials such as soft stone, ivory, oolitic limestone, and clay. It is also depicted to be a piece of Upper Paleolithic art, and today it is viewed by the public in Vienna's Natural History Museum...
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