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Social Sciences
Term Paper
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Impact of Parents and Social Media on Mental Health of the Youth

Term Paper Instructions:

you’ll be reexamining the information included in your research-based essays (Impact of social media on Youth Mental Health) and (How are children affected by their parent's mental illness) and recreating them as an active social media advocacy project.

sing the platform of your choice (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), build a campaign to spread information and create change. The goal of these projects is to sincerely and ethically spread the information you've uncovered and put you in contact with a very real audience.

1. The project should be multimodal. A fuller description of this term follows, but an excellent 21st campaign would surely make use of interesting text, engaging video, attractive images, humorous memes and GIFs, infographics, polls, Insta stories, interactive quizzes, etc. Supplying great content is a surefire way to involve people.

2. It should give readers a space to comment and offer their perspective on the issue. By the time the project is submitted for grading, it should be live and available to followers. Because the goal of this project is to build a legitimate campaign, you should be focused on sharing your work a wide audience. The best projects will have a variety of voices involved and commenting.

3. Link your campaign to some actionable item. Do you want to raise money for this issue? Do you want to gather signatures for a petition? Do you want your followers to sign some sort of pledge?

4. Your work will be evaluated, in part, according to the functionality of the campaign. How many followers have you accumulated? How populated is your page with content? How are folks interacting with your content? It will be easier to give you an excellent grade if you can point to some success you've had with the campaign.

Term Paper Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Social Media Advocacy
A) Impact of social media on Youth Mental Health
#Article 1: A one-sided version should not pressure you
Rarely do people post raw and unedited content on social media. We are constantly bombarded with unrealistic expectations, especially on body image. If you scroll through Instagram or Facebook, you are likely to get a downtime looking at the photos of others. The people appear to have perfect bodies. All of their photos display admirable bodies shapes that you may wish to have someday. Have you wondered how those images of your friends or your favorite celebrities could be affecting your view on your own?
A negative body image can lead to unrealistic expectations on how you should appear. Individuals who compare their appearance with individuals on social media tend to judge themselves as worse off. Especially for ladies, looking at the photos of celebrities makes them feel worse about their appearance. Perfect images of colleagues come with an even stronger connection to body image concerns.
We need to be aware that what people display on social media is one version of their side. They show the best bits and leave out the rest. The photos and videos posted are well edited to suit the occasion. However, in real life, such individuals may never have such a lifestyle.
Scroll through the images, but do not compare!
#Article 2
There is a link between heavy use of social media and the increased risk for mental health illnesses like depression, anxiety, self-harm, and loneliness. Social media may enhance negative experiences like feeling inadequate about life or in terms of appearance.
However, you are unique. You are different from other people. You are free to live your life. You are beautiful or handsome. You do not have to stay like others. Be yourself.
#Article 3: Dealing with Fear of missing out (FOMO)
FOMO has been around for a long time. However, social media have exacerbated the feelings that others are living better lives than you are. For youth, the idea of missing out on particular things can lead to low self-esteem, trigger anxiety, and increase the use of social media to keep up with the trends. Because of FOMO, you can be compelled to check your phone frequently for updates, respond to every post, and share more posts. You could be doing this while in class, missing out on sleep, or focusing more on social media interactions instead of real-world connections.
You can overcome FOMO today. Recognize that many things are going to happen, yet you are not part of them. There is joy when you miss out on some things so that you can concentrate on yours. Find pleasure in doing things your way and avoid focusing on others. You are too important.
#Article 4: Which social media platforms are dangerous?
Social media can harm your mental health as an adolescent. Exercise caution while using social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.
#Article 5: Dangers of constant social media use
Are you constantly preoccupied with the phone? Are you unable to undertake your activities? You cannot concentrate? Do you get numerous notifications on your phone that you cannot ignore? Can you check your social media while in ...
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