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Annotated Bibliography
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Annotated Bibliography: The Trade between the US and China

Annotated Bibliography Instructions:

1. A Short Guide to the Annotated Bibliography 


An annotated bibliography is a document consisting of the resources you are using in your paper. The difference between your annotated bibliography and a regular bibliography is how descriptive it is. This document should help you shape your final paper, so you want to put as much detail into it as possible.


A successful annotated bibliography has a paragraph explaining the research question: motivation, possible policy implications, etc. followed by a list of scholarly sources you are using in your paper. Each one of the sources should include a brief paragraph explaining: why you chose this source? How will it help you answer the research question? Who is the author? What makes them credible? What are the main results, conclusions and loopholes (if any)? Etc.


For this assignment it is required that you use 5-7 sources. You may use articles from The Economist, WSJ, or other valid news sources as you see fit (i.e. No Wikipedia). You may use scholarly articles published in different economic journals, which you may search via Econlit. Note that if you want to cite the textbook for a term or theory learned in class, it is likely considered “common terminology” in International Economics, for which you do not need to provide a citation: Gravity Model, effects of tariffs/quotas/… 




First paragraph explaining the topic: What is the motivation behind my topic? Why did I choose it? Are there any policy implications? What area of International Economics does it relate to:  Trade, Intl Policy, Intl Finance, etc.? Do you have any working hypothesis, something you want to show or test? Be as explicit as you can, while keeping it simple. Do not use too many technicalities. It should be written such that any of your peers in the class can understand it. (Remember:the topic of I interest is the economic and trade relations between China and the United States so I am going to be discuss the trade between the US and China in aspects of independence of trade and the competitive advantage for both sides as well as what kind of cooperation can China and US two countries carry out for mutual benefit in trade.)




Who is the author? 

Why is he/she credible? 

What are the main results? 

Are there any loopholes or potential extensions to their results? 

Is the article/dataset timely (i.e. a paper published in the 1950s may not be as pertinent as one published in 2011) 

Annotated Bibliography Sample Content Preview:

The Trade between the US and China
Student’s Name
The Trade between the US and China
International trade determines to a great extent the economic performance of countries. Two of the world’s greatest economies are China and the US. The trade relationship between these countries influences both economies significantly. I chose to examine the economic and relations between these countries because of the magnitude of trade between them. The relation between the countries is also an aspect that has been in the headlines in the recent past. This paper examines fives sources that have relevant information about the relationship between China and the US.
Woo, W. T. (2008). Understanding the sources of friction in US–China trade relations: The exchange rate debate diverts attention from optimum adjustment. Asian Economic Papers , 7 (3), 61-95.
Wing Thye Woo is an American economist who is currently a professor at the University of California. Therefore, he is well qualified to author credible economic articles. The article is timely given that it was published in 2008. In the article, Woo examines the sources of friction in the trade relations between China and the US. The article notes that China has been accused of manipulating exchange rates thereby reducing wages and increasing unemployment. However, Woo points out that the claims are wrong and the effects exaggerated. This source is important for understanding what characterizes the trade relations between China and the US.
Einhorn, B. (2017, July 21). The U.S. Firms at Risk From China Trade War: QuickTake Scorecard. Retrieved October 25, 2017, from Bloomberg: /news/articles/2017-07-21/the-u-s-firms-at-risk-from-china-trade-war-quicktake-scorecard
Bruce Einhorn is a reputable reporter for Bloomberg and has authored many other articles particularly in business issues in the Asian region. He has written on issues such as Hyundai Chinese sales, China Banks, Diversity is Asia, among others. In addition, given that Bloomberg is a trustworthy source of information for business, the article offers credible information. In the article, the author points out that the tension between the two countries affects US firms. The firms that are likely to be affected include Apple, McDonald’s, Starbucks, Hollywood, Boeing, Ford, and Amazon. The article offers information how major US corporations may be affected by the trade war between the countries. The article is thus rich in relevant information.
Soergel, A. (2017, July 6). U.S. Trade Deficit With China Widens as North Korea Showdown Looms. Retrieved October 25, 2017, from US News: /news/economy/articles/2017-07-06/us-trade-deficit-with-china-widens-as-north-korea-showdown-looms
Andrew Soergel is an economy reporter for the US Ne...
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