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Annotated Bibliography
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Annotated Bibliography. Management Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Instructions:

Dear writer please read below
Here is my second paper that goes with the one I've sent you before 
You will submit an annotated bibliography for 2 of your sources for the week 7 paper(00105812). Each source will have the correct citation entry for the citation style you are using, as well as an annotation, which is made of a paragraph or two telling the reader about the source. One (1) of the sources should be a peer-reviewed piece from a journal in the APUS Library.
To help you gather sources, review the assignment description for the week 7 analysis paper. Pay special attention to the article linked there and the steps for identifying your problem. Here is the link to the article: "Looking for Trouble: Finding Your Way into a Writing Assignment." This piece shows how to write about solving a problem, using the steps of noticing, articulating, posing questions, and identifying what is at stake.
After you have identified your problem, you can start choosing your sources and build an annotated bibliography.
Here are the steps you will take to build your annotated bibliography:
•First, determine what kind of source you are using. Is it a book? Journal article? Blog? Using one of the citation guides in the APUS Library, find the model that matches your source. Hint: if you are looking at your source on your computer, you will go to the category of electronic sources to start looking.
•Copy that model and paste it into your bibliography.
•Then put your source in the correct citation format, following the model you just copied and pasted.
•Finally, write a brief annotation of that source. The annotation should describe the main ideas covered in the source as well as an evaluation by you for the source's usefulness for your project. The handout attached below has more information about what should be in the annotation.
Please be sure that one (1) of your sources is a peer-reviewed article from a journal in the APUS Library.
•Follow the student example included below. You will see the model, the citation, and then the annotation for the source. The rubric shown below shows that you will be graded on having the model for the citation format, so don’t forget to include it.
•The attachment "Peer Review Defined" has helpful information from the APUS Library on peer-reviewed sources.
•The attachment "how to" handout has some helpful tips on what to include in an annotation.
•Submit your assignment as a Word document attached to the assignment link so it can be processed on Turnitin.
Sample Annotation. Each of your entries should follow the format below.
Sally Student
ENGL 110
Annotated Bibliography- MLA
Model from APUS Citation Guide (MLA)
Author last name, first name. Book title. City: publisher, year. Medium.
Calkins, Lucy. Raising Lifelong Learners: A Parent's Guide. Reading: Addison-Wesley
Longman. 1997. Print.
Lucy Calkins is a noted teacher and researcher in reading and writing. Her book is a guide for parents, helping them to work with their children's schools to create a positive learning environment and a lifelong love of learning in their children. Topics covered include fostering learning and curiosity in mathematics, science, social studies, reading, and writing. Calkins’ work also offers advice on school curriculum and testing. By providing specific examples of parental involvement, this book will help support the assertion that parents need to play a strong role in their children's education.

Annotated Bibliography Sample Content Preview:

Annotated Bibliography
Student’s Name
Annotated Bibliography
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles-APA Format
Guillaume, Y., Dawson, J., Otaye-Ebede, L., Woods, S., & West, M. (2015). Harnessing Demographic Differences in Organizations: What Moderates the Effects of Workplace Diversity? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1-28.
The authors of this article are lecturers and experts in various fields relating to workplace diversity and management, all based in the United Kingdom. Guillaume is a senior lecturer in organizational behavior at Aston University with a research interest in leadership and diversity. Dawson is a researcher on teamwork, management practices, and workplace diversity in healthcare at the University of Sheffield. Otaye-Ebede is a senior lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University’s Business School. Woods is a professor at the University of Surrey’s business school and also doubles as HR practitioners working with various organizations. West is also a professor at Lancaster University Management School and a researcher on organizational and team effectiveness. The authors focus their research on leadership, organizational culture/climate, human resource, strategy, and individual differences as the main variables that moderate the effects of workplace diversity. They employ the Categorization-Elaboration Model, which acts as a theoretical tool, to conduct their review of the variables. They reveal that among the variables, individual differences have the greatest impact of moderating the effects of workplace diversity. The study also provides practical implications of effective management of workplace diversity to both organizations and individuals, especially those who have to work in teams. The authors indicate that at the individual level, people who have an openness about diversity and a positive attitude towards diversity, in general, are more likely to appreciate workplace diversity and enhance the organization's overall performance. At the organizational level, they indicate that organizational leadership and culture/climate are all crucial elements to an organization that wants to reap the benefits of workplace diversity.
Unlike other studies on the issue of workplace diversity, such as Panicker, Agrawal, and Khandelwal (2017) and Shaban (2016), which focus mostly on how to manage a diverse workplace, the study by Guillaume, Dawson, Otaye-Ebede, Woods, and West (2015) focuses on the factors that curb the negative effects of workplace diversity. In doing so, they provide a broader and more detailed perspective on the issue of workplace diversity without necessarily imposing that organization should translate those factors into best practices. However, the authors fail to provide the audience with some of the limitations of the study. Are the results of the data applicable to all organizations? Also, since the study employed the Categorization-Elaboration Model, what are some of the model’s shortcomings? If there are any, how could they have affected the reliability of the study and its findings? Or how did the authors control its effects on the study’s findings?
This study is quite helpful, not only to my current project but also to other scholars...
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