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Use of Christianity to Justify Continuance and Abolishment of Slavery

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How could the same Christian Religion be used by both the North to support the abolition of slavery and the South to justify the existence of slavery? Explain your answer. (Textbook: America, A Narrative History)
Students are required to answer with a 100 word minimum well thought-out, meaningful response post using complete sentences/thoughts which needs to reflect understanding of the context and content of the material. These will be graded on a credit/no credit basis at the professor’s discretion. Again, the expectation for this assignment is college level analysis and writing so texting shorthand would not be appropriate here.

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History Discussion Forum: Ch. 11 And 12
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History Discussion Forum: Ch. 11 And 12
The debate over Christianity and slavery being intertwined has been ongoing for ages. This was seen from the 17th century in the United States as the Northern states used the scripture to advocate for the abolition of slavery while the Southern states used it to support slavery. Slavery was common during early Christianity as the Roman Empire’s economy heavily depended on it. Slave trade continued well into the Middle Ages with support from the Bible until Saint Augustine stated that it was a sinful act before the eyes of God.
Slaveholders living in the Southern states suggested that slavery was a norm in society. They did so as they needed to instill the notion on every person as their economy depended on slave...
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