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2 pages/≈550 words
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Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance

Case Study Instructions:

Instructions attached. Course: Team Building (Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance)
Dyer, W.G., Jr., Dyer, J. H., & Dyer, W. G. (2013). Team building: Proven strategies for improving team performance(5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Unit V Case Study – ElectriGov
A1. It is important for an organization to have a mission because it establishes the company’s direction apart from the fact that it informs people about its overall goals. Having a mission reminds members of a particular organization of what they are supposed to do today in order to achieve the present and future goals.
A2. There are quite a number of reasons why team members should know their specific roles. To begin with, the performance of an individual as well as the overall performance of a team is normally affected in a negative way because of uncertainty (Parker, 2009). Lack of role clarity within a team can lead to confusion and conflicts and this normally affects a team’s performance. In moments when requirements are not clear, there will always be anxiety and frustration within the team. It is important for each team member to know their expected output as well as operational boundaries and this can only be achieved by making sure that the members are aware of their exact roles within the team (Parker, 2009).
A3. There are a lot of benefits that come with healthy competition within a team. The first benefit is that individuals are motivated to achieve both personal and team objectives. Team members are aware of the fact that they need to work hard for their personal contribution to the team to be noticed (Doherty & ‎Guyler, 2008). Healthy competition also leads to optimum team performance because different strengths are harnessed to deliver the best results. Since all team members work towards beating their competitors, there will always be a great commitment to quality by all team members. As team members seek for ways to get ahead of the rest of the team, they also become more creative as a result of the competition (Parker, 2009). Healthy competition also helps team leaders to know the strengths and weaknesses of each member.
A4. When planning a meeting regarding conflict, it is important to set short-term and long term goals. The goals enable you to gauge the effectiveness of the conflict resolution mechanism being used. Both long term and short term goals are meant to ensure that conflicts come to a conclusive and definite end (Parker, 2009). For example, short term goals may be to ensure that the two sides are committed to solving the conflict and to get recommendations from each side. Long term goals can be to ensure that the two conflict sides work together, full implementation of recommendations and behavior change (Doherty & ‎Guyler, 2008).
A5. Resolving conflict is never an easy thing but all leaders should have the ability to resolve conflicts for them to be successful with their teams or groups. Leaders that fail to deal with conflicts may bring disruption within a team ...
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