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Week 10 Discussion Responses and Student Response. Management Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

Week 10 Case Discussion
5 Sources including the case are required including the ones listed below
Questions for this Week:
1. How could Tetra Pak motivate recycling companies to grow even bigger?
Remember to support your answers by citing your source in APA style citations.
Please respond to the following discussion post, talk about what you agree with what you disagree with BACK UP YOUR RESPONSE WITH SOURCES FROM THE ATTACHED CASE STUDY OR OUTSIDE SOURCES
Matthew Perrone
Recycling companies are tasked with the challenge of separating waste with product that can be recycled. There has been considerable development in the effectiveness of this process over the last few years by companies employing smart recycling techniques. This includes the use of sensors to collect data and process information rapidly, leveraging artificial intelligence, to improve the throughput percentage. In other words, robotic technology and machine learning are being used to separate waste and recycling better, carrying many operational benefits.
Tetra Pak could have an increased role earlier in the process, as they work with the OEMs for food processing and packaging technology and innovation who are in a sense the source of the end product. If, for example, Tetra Pak partnered with the recycling companies to correlate/link their technology there may be opportunity for mutually-beneficial outcomes (1). In the product packaging design phase, there is an opportunity to add some simple, low cost serial numbering scheme (some sort of identifier that can be easily/efficiently read by the recycling plant separation robots) to the end packaging. This can improve the percentage of material identified properly in the key separation phase. Just an example of some partnership thinking that connects the 3 players; Tetra Pak, recycling plants and food OEMs.
Another potential motivator for recycling companies is to offer a way for food brands to determine the percentage of their product recycling at the end of life. In other words, offering a service that provides a data sharing method to help OMEs determine if their milk carton was effectively recycled (of course this would be location specific), or alert the OEM of instances when that product was contaminated and went to landfill. This could be expanded to consider factors such as root-cause analysis. The end goal would be to help offer insight and recommendations to maximize the percentage of product recycling for the OEM - and Tetra Pak acts as the quarterback connecting all they players together.
1. Clancy, Heather. June 2019. How Artificial Intelligence Helps Recycling Become More Circular. Retrieved on April 7th, 2020 from https://www(dot)greenbiz(dot)com/article/how-artificial-intelligence-helps-recycling-become-more-circular. (Links to an external site.)
2. O'Connor, Mary. July 2017. Dumpster Diving Robots using AI. Retrieved on April 7th, 2020 from https://www(dot)ge(dot)com/reports/dumpster-diving-robots-using-ai-smart-recycling/. (Links to an external site.)

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Week 10 Discussion Responses and Student Response
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Week 10 Discussion Responses and Student Response
Question 1
The creation of Tetra Park into a recycling chain played a significant role in enhancing and motivating recycling companies in China to grow. Tetra pack has been essential in promoting and creating a recycling chain system, thereby, increasing the Chinese recycling rate from almost 0% in 2014 to about 28% in 2015 (Zawadiak, Wojciechowski, Piotrowski & Krypa, 2017). It has undertaken the process of recycling through four main approaches, which include: scanning the recycling market, creating awareness, creation, and securing of the recycling capacity (Abreu, 2007). In this regard, Tetra Park has done a lot in promoting recycling companies to increase their growth.
Although Tetra Park has played a significant role, it could still undertake several initiatives/ approaches to help motivate the growth of recycling companies even further. One of the ways Tetra Park can promote recycling firms to grow is enhancing and encouraging environmental conservation. Notably, Tetra Park should support all its recycling partners to integrate more environmental approaches in their day to day activities. This will result in the recycling companies growing as they will incur fewer costs related to dealing with a steady supply of products to recycle. Besides, companies that enhance environmental conservation are likely to attract more customers, especially those who like dealing with companies that observe sustainability. More so, Tetra Park should offer food-producing companies with data on the number of their products, which is recycled. In this regard, these companies will have the necessary information to know whether or not if their products are being effectively recycled in the market (Gong, Jia, & Brown, 2017).
One of the ways this approach will help the recycling companies is that they will be able to enhance and improve their product recycling capacity. Besides, Tetra Park should seek to integrate new i...
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