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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Aspects of Servant Leadership, Ethical Leadership & Moral Intelligence

Coursework Instructions:

Please respond to the following: What, in your opinion, are the common aspects of servant leadership, ethical leadership, and moral intelligence and how does that apply to a biblical perspective? What does an organization need to do to accommodate these forms of leadership to insure a fit between the organizational culture and leader and employee behavior? Are these forms of leadership suitable for the majority of businesses today? Why or why not? What gets in the way of applying these styles? If these forms of leadership are not suitable, what is the more applicable style?
Your post should be at least 200 words using at least one cited reference. Be sure to use proper APA 6th Edition in-text citations and references. Additionally, please submit a response opposing your post. Your response should be at least 125 words.

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Common Aspects of Servant, Ethical, and Moral Intelligence Leadership
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Common Aspects of Servant, Ethical, and Moral Intelligence Leadership
Although the different leadership types, including ethical, servant, and moral intelligence, have unique approaches, they also have converging features. Their tendency to create a conducive environment for proper interaction of different people, irrespective of their social, cultural, or status differences, demonstrates that these concepts value similar approaches. Some of the primary common aspects include respect, fairness, and empathy. Trends illustrate that the three ideas share these traits, which explains their capacity to ensure organizational stability as followers feel they are wanted and part of the larger institution. These aspects are consistent with the biblical perspective that leadership concerns itself with positively influencing other people, as demonstrated by Christ’s interests to assist them to achieve God’s purpose.
Organizations need to restructure and incorporate appropriate regulations, including ethical expectations, to accommodate these leadership types. Moreover, they should promote continued and system-wide interaction to ensure that the perspectives of the leadership percolate to all sectors, leading to integration with the organization culture (Chestnut, 2017). As the leader shapes the culture, it also shapes their views by inducing mutual respect. Moreover, these aspects would influence employee behavior, leading to a holistic change that promotes a grounded understanding among all stakeholders. When these aspects interact seamlessly, they trigger a conducive working environment where all individuals thrive as the firm grows.
These leadership forms remain suitable irrespective of the business and organization dynamics in the contemporary world. Their approaches constitute fundamental principles that foster relationships between different players in institutions (Chestnut, 2017). Moreover, other than concentrating on the company’s performance, they highlight the value of individual employees, the culture, and the interaction between t...
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