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English (U.S.)
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Difference Between Groups and Teams

Coursework Instructions:

Explain the differences between a group and team. Then, discuss the stages of group and team development as it applies to groups in your workplace. Be sure to focus your response on specific steps that you recommend to “unstick” the group’s development to the performing stage. Explain how the concept of conscious culture fits in with your strategy. Cite and Reference needed.

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Group and Teams
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Group and Teams
One of the differences between groups and teams is that while the former are formed mainly for managerial reasons, the latter are formed to help achieve a goal that cannot be achieved by an individual (Reimer et al., 2017). Another difference between groups and teams is that in the former, members are less aware of their roles. In groups, some members tend to depend heavily on other members (Reimer et al., 2017). This results in a situation where some members joy-ride on the hard work of other members. In teams, however, all the members are aware of their roles. They cannot afford to be laxed because this will result in failure for the team.
The stages of group and team development in my workplace are similar to those proposed by Bruce Tuckman. The first stage is forming. In this stage, the group members are usually trying to establish the purpose of their group (Egolf & Chester...
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