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Resource File Assignment: Informational Resources for Military Families and Children

Coursework Instructions:

Early Child Education Class:
Topic: Resource File Assignment: Informational Resources for Military Families and Children
Resource File Assignment: For this assignment, you will be gathering information of 15 different resources broken down into three parts of five resources for public policy/legislation as one part, five different community-based organizations in another part, and five different websites based resources for the final part. I want you to think of this as if you were going to give the information to a military family who has no idea of what resources they can use.
For this assignment, you will be discussing and locating articles about the topics that still pertain to the military children and families and how these topics may or may not cause hardships within the family.
Step #1: Compile at minimum 5 different relevant web articles related to public policy and/or legislation regarding military families and children. Every article does not have to always be focused on just children. For example, the family includes the non-military spouse and the actual person in the military as well. You will likely find more articles about people in the military but if you could at least have one of the children, and one of the non-military spouses like about mothers or fathers who take care of the children while their spouse is in military deployment.
For instance, could find articles about the topic of mental health and the policies around mental health, another could be about policies on military pay, another could be about policies about the maximum amount of times a person can be deployed, another could be about the max amount a family should be moved to another city when the spouse is going to be deployed, another could be about medical insurance for military families such as things they should have or not have such as should military veterans should have to pay for medical insurance or not pay after they come back from military deployment. You can choose other topics as well but just make sure they are related to public policy and/or legislation regarding military families and children.
Step #2: Now that you have an idea of the topics now search through 5 relevant articles related to public policy and/or legislation in the United States and in your paper make sure to use a subheading of public policy and legislation. Once you find the articles then in this paper simply write the name of the article, name the authors, post the link to the article, and just write a brief summary of what the article is about. This would probably take two pages of your Resource File paper and make sure to cite in APA whenever you cite in your paragraphs.
Public Policy on Transgender people joining the military.
According to scholars, since at least as early as 1960, Executive Order 10450 was applied to ban transgender individuals from serving in the United States military.[10] On May 17, 1963, Gender transitioned or transitioning individuals were officially prohibited from the United States military by Army Regulation 40-501. This policy reasoned transgender people were medically unqualified to serve because their mental state was considered unfit. It wasn't until the 1980s when the United States military decided to apply medical regulations more forcefully on those who identified as transgender. Medical care provided by the military did not cover hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery. The psychological services weren't much better. Now, in Barack Obama administration under the current Department of Defense Instruction 6130.03, "Medical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction in the Military Services" dated July 2, 2012, candidates for military service shall not have "current or history of psychosexual conditions, including but not limited to transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestism, voyeurism, and other paraphilias" which is noted as "not a contradiction of the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'" since homosexuality was removed from the list of psychosexual conditions in DSM in 1973.[15]. Executive Order on Enabling All Qualified Americans to Serve Their Country in Uniform JANUARY 25. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the United States to ensure that all transgender individuals who wish to serve in the United States military and can meet the appropriate standards shall be able to do so openly and free from discrimination.
• So now that you have an idea of what to write make sure to have 5 total different summaries one of each article topic that you chose.
Step #3: Now in a page and a half, I want you to compile a minimum of 5 different community-based resources with information that a military family could use since we are in Los Angeles, California think about community resources in Los Angeles or in Southern California. For instance, community based are like mentor programs, parenting classes, support groups in a community, think about the different type of communities a military family and children could use if they need resources.
For example, community organization includes community work, community projects, community development, community empowerment, community building, and community mobilization. It is a commonly used model for organizing community within community projects, neighborhoods, organizations, voluntary associations, localities, and social networks, which may operate as ways to mobilize around geography, shared space, shared experience, interest, need, and/or concern.
Community organization is a process by which a community identifies needs or objectives, takes action, and through this process, develops cooperative and collaborative attitudes and practices within a community. (Murray G. Ross, 1967).

Step #4: Now, once you find your five different community-based organizations online then write a subheading of “Community Bases Organizations”. Now for this section, you do not need to write a long summary instead for each community-based program just write a small summary of the name of the community program, what the program offers, a few sentences about what the programs are about, and what they do. If you can also post the website link in your paper. Also, if you can add the organization's email phone or some sort of contact information for the organization. If this is a local business the address or at least city and state. Overall, I want to imagine yourself as if you were explaining what each resource is to a military family that you just met in person. For example, think of this assignment as if you are handing out this paper with information to the military family.

Parenting in The Military:
The Parenting in the Military is a program available 24/7 for parents with kids from ages 0 to 18. The Parenting in The Military Initiative is a suite of evidence-informed parenting programs that are designed to empower parents and caregivers as they nurture children from birth until 18 years of age. The Initiative includes a series of face-to-face and online parenting programs and a range of online resources and interactive learning modules to meet the families where they are. The Initiative is divided into developmentally age-appropriate areas and consists of four universal parenting programs and two targeted parenting programs. The four universal Initiative programs are available in online formats and immediate access to programming is granted to parents and caregivers. The universal face-to-face and targeted programs are delivered by professionals in an in-person format. The programs are owned by the Federal Government, and the online universal programs are available at no cost to military and civilian families.
Step #5: Finally, for the final part compile at minimum 5 different web-based resources and explain why each of them is important. Consider writing a paragraph or two for each web-based resource so this should take about 2 pages. Use a subheading Web-Based Resources.
That means each web-based should be different in the subject matter. For example, the web-based resources you locate on the internet can be about education, mental health, invisible injuries for military soldiers, programs that should be implemented to help military families just to name a few but just make sure you have five different topics in regards to military families whether it for the military deployed spouse, the non-military spouse or the children with a military parent.
Name of the Web Resource: The Military Family Readiness System.
(insert the website here)
As a spouse, you manage the unique challenges of military life. You may take on new roles. You adapt to new schedules. Let the Department of Defense resources help you and your family thrive. Whether you are planning a move to your next installation or want to know more about your current duty station, Military installations, one of many free resources from Military OneSource, is the place to get answers. Use it to find installation overviews, contacts for programs and services, check-in procedures, and community information for installations worldwide. You may choose to live on or off the installation. Either way, your Military Family Readiness System is your go-to source for support. It is a network of programs and services. It has resources to help you navigate. Use it to find moving and relocation help and new-parent support. Get financial fitness and career counseling. The Military Family Readiness system is a list by state of each military base with full contact information. You can speak directly to someone prior to relocation about your needs and their offerings. This is important to families who must move to new states they know nothing about. This guide is easy to read and navigate.
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Resource File Assignment Guidelines:
Should be around 6 pages
• Must be Double-spaced
• Must be in Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins all around
• Must be in APA 7 Format
* Make sure to cite in APA format
* Have a Reference Page with the resources you cited.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Informational Resources for Military Families and Children
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Public Policy/Legislation
Beaumont, E. (2009). Rights of Military Personnel. /first-amendment/article/1131/rights-of-military-personnel
Military personnel operates based on a distinguished criminal code system from that of the civilians, and this is governed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). This aims to prosecute the military personnel who violate their code, and the Court trials them separately in a different environment and context. As such, the standard First Amendment protections do or do not apply to them to the same degree as the other categories of particular contexts. Specifically, the military does not allow sexual and political expressions. However, through the years, the Court has shown to protect the “conscientious objectors CITATION Bea09 \l 13321 (Beaumont, 2009).”
Powers, R. (2019, January 10). Political Activity Regulations for Military Members. /military-folks-and-politics-3332818
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) laid strict rules regarding military personnel's participation in political matters. As such, DoD strictly prohibits their participation in any political issues because their loyalty must remain to the State, such that they shall follow orders from the commander-in-chief or the Congress. This is to remove the bias of the military. Additionally, the prohibitions only apply to those in active duty, defined as U.S. military personnel in full-time duty, including the full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance during military service or service school. The National Guard or Reserves are exempted from these. Also, there are a few exceptions from this, such as practicing the right to vote to protect the country’s democracy and serving as an election official, provided that they are not in their military attire CITATION Pow19 \l 13321 (Powers, 2019).
Kenney, C. (2020, September 22). New Policies Now in Place for Military Children Seeking U.S. Citizenship. /news/us/new-policies-now-in-place-for-military-children-seeking-us-citizenship-1.646035
Under Section 320 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, military children below 18 years-old, who are previously non-American citizens, can now acquire American citizenship, provided that they are physically living with a parent(s) who are U.S. citizens. Additionally, military children who live overseas with U.S. military citizens will now be considered American citizens and enjoy the same rights and protection. The decision was supported because these military families spent thousands of dollars for citizen application when the government forced them to live outside U.S. borders. The bipartisan bill ensured that these children's needs would also be met under U.S. laws CITATION Ken20 \l 13321 (Kenney, 2020).
Military One Resource. (2020, March 27). How to Report Child Abuse or Neglect in the Military. /family-relationships/family-life/preventing-abuse-neglect/how-to-report-child-abuse-as-a-member-of-the-military/
The pain inflicted against the military parents will, directly and indirectly, affect their families, especially their children. Because of this, there is an...
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