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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Peer Response Regarding Learning and Generalization

Coursework Instructions:

1) You will post one response to each topic/question, which totals THREE posts per discussion board. There is no extended time on discussion boards.
2) Your first post should be your own thread responding directly to one topic/question. Your second post should be a reply to a classmate under a different topic/question. Your third post can be EITHER a reply to a classmate or your own thread to the remaining topic/question. You can respond to the topics/questions in any order.
3) When replying to a classmate, please consider how you can respond with substance. Saying, "I like your response," does not move the conversation forward. Please contribute to the discussion with your own ideas about the topic/question.
4) You must cite the assigned readings. You may use outside sources, but you still need to cite the assigned materials in addition to any outside resources you consulted.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Responses
Student's Name
University Affiliation
Professor's Name
Course Title
Due Date
Response 1
Great post! Undoubtedly, different people learn in different ways. Evidence has shown that some learn better through hearing, others through seeing, and yet there are some who learn best through a combination of the two methods (Sadker et al., 2012). You have made great observations concerning fixed and growth mindsets. Interestingly, evidence reveals that a learner can be taught to shift from a fixed to a growth mindset. Additionally, the way we are raised greatly determines our learning techniques
Sadker, D. M., Zittleman, K., & Sadker, M. P. (2012). Teachers Schools and Society: Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Response 2
Great observations concerning bias! Indeed, unconscious bias occurs involuntarily. On the other hand, generalizations refer to assuming that a group of people shares similar characteristics (Sad...
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