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Prevent Chemotherapy side effects

Coursework Instructions:

Given the impact of dose-limiting side effects of chemotherapy on the individual and overall cost of healthcare, impact on quality of life, and ability to stay on planned therapy, discuss your ideas for practice changes to decrease dose-limiting side effects of chemotherapy in your work place?

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Preventing Chemotherapy Side Effects


Preventing Chemotherapy Side Effects
The practice of chemotherapy has brought about high impact of dose-limiting side effects on the involved individuals as well as the overall cost of health care. It also has characteristics of influencing the quality of health and determines a person’s ability to stay on the planned therapy. Therefore, there is a personal idea of the applicable practice changes that would decrease dose-limiting side effects of chemotherapy in my work place.
The registered side effects in a cancer patient may be severe enough to lead to prevention of taking more dosage and cause prevention of further continuation of treatment at any level of dosage. The numerous side effects of chemotherapy have contributed to the need to apply complementary health approaches. These methods might not guarantee cure, but their combination with either chemotherapy or radiation would help to minimize the side effects. Some of the complementary health approaches have proved to work for cancer patients as they include using products and practices like spinal manipulation, herbal and other dietary supplements, spinal manipulation, as well as acupuncture. Even though not all of these may be effective for all individuals, at least it helps several to reduce the sessions of chemotherapy or radiation, which if made too often may cause some serious damages on the patients. Complementary methods are beginning to gain ground in the treatment of cancer, acting as additions to the treatment plans which are likely to help the patients in dealing with side effects and disease symptoms. The complementary treatments may reduce the side effects that lead to dose-limiting in chemotherapy sessions because they will be used occasionally when necessary, as they also help in improving quality of life.
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