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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Analyzing Nursing Theories

Coursework Instructions:

Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care. How could you use them for inciting behavioral changes? Discuss the pros and cons of applying each theory and how they could be integrated into your future practice. Are there any particular ethical issues related to the integration of these theories that should be considered?

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Analyzing Nursing Theories
Institutional Affiliation
Analyzing Nursing Theories
Nursing theories are geared towards addressing aspects of the nursing paradigm, often including health, nursing, person, and environment. The healthcare sector embraces nursing theories to facilitate comprehension of roles and purpose in the nursing profession and offer a nursing practice foundation, among other benefits often applicable in academics, research, and professional practice (Kim, 2012). Based on abstraction levels, nursing theories such as environmental theory by Nightingale and Peplau’s Interpersonal relations model often meet categories such as middle-range, practice-level, and grand theory.
Nightingale argued that healthcare practitioners should embrace patient environment modification, which would facilitate faster recovery rates. The environmental theory focuses on environmental factors ranging from personal cleanliness, hospital setting, including ventilation, noise, and medical equipment such as bed and bedding to the psychological and social environment (Ali Pirani, 2016). Often categorized under grand theories, the environmental theory is subject to criticism for championing miasmas, which implies that infections occur spontaneously from poor ventilation and dirty environment as bacteria do not entirely thrive under the aforementioned factors. Regardless, the physical, social, and psychological environment is advantageous to patient healthcare restoration. The theory is applicable in future nursing practice as it informs healthcare givers regarding the need to manipulate the environment t...
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