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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Importance and Principles of Professional Delegation in Nursing

Coursework Instructions:

In 300-350 Words discuss professional delegation as it pertains to nursing. A minimum of three sources will be required. This will be accomplished in a separate document and turned in.
Using the American Nurses Association Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study, Please Critique the article Silence Kills, The Seven Crucial Conversation for Healthcare.

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Professional Delegation in Nursing x Article Critique
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Professional delegation refers to the direct transfer of nursing activities or tasks related to patient wellbeing to unlicensed health workers/patient assistants while monitoring the performance merits to determine the outcome. Delegation requires two sets of individuals: the delegator and the delegatee. The delegator is a registered nurse who assigns patient care to a delegatee.
Importance of Professional Delegation
According to the American Nurses Association and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing delegation, it is a complex skill that involves critical thinking, professional development. Delegation in nursing also requires continuous education and experience to become proficient in the delivery of nursing care CITATION Reg12 \l 1033 (Registered Nurses to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel, 2012). However, delegation is a valuable tool in nursing as it helps nurses spend time in the most productive ways. Furthermore, delegation upskills skills and helps delegatees gain practical skills CITATION Riv17 \l 1033 (Rivier University, 2017).
Principles of Delegation
Typically the delegation process is guided by three fundamental principles. Firstly, the delegation process must be initiated and conducted by a responsible registered nurse who can address patient’s problems. Secondly, it is of paramount importance for the registered nurses to abide by the nurse practice acts, organizational policies and job descriptions to assign duties to individuals who can complete them. Thirdly all registered nurses are legally liable for their delegated tasks. Therefore, during delegation, the registered nurse is solely accountable for the overall outcome of the nursing tasks based on each state’s nurse practice act provisions.
Five Rights of Delegation
With the continuous advancements in patient care, it has become increasingly challenging to monitor the application of this essential component in nursing. Therefore legal and ethical constraints regarding professional delegation in nursing are inevitable. In this regard, the American Nurses Association has developed the five rights of delegation to guide nurses in making informed and safe decisionsCITATION Jen21 \l 1033 (Jennifer & Sandeep, 2021). One of the most crucial rights is to identify the tasks that are appropriate to delegate. S...
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