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Establishing Relationships and Influencing Change Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Week 4: Leadership: Establishing Relationships and Influencing Change

This week's focus is on developing foundational interpersonal skills that will prepare you for professional practice as a leader and change agent. As a leader, how will you influence change in your professional specialty area? Identify two strengths you have that will promote strong leadership. Identify two areas of improvement to your skill in leading and influencing change. What are two priority strategies you will implement to improve and/or enhance your leadership skills?


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Leadership: Establishing Relationships and Influencing Change
Leadership: Establishing Relationships and Influencing Change
Leadership strengths vary among different people, and I possess excellent communication skills and effective communication skills as a leader. I lead my team well by ensuring that all the anticipated activities of operations are communicated through the right channels and at the right time. I know influential leaders must be excellent communicators (Hao & Yazdanifard, 2015). This strength commands respect for the leader and minimizes conflicts around the organization since every employee knows what to do and when (Hao & Yazdanifard, 2015). I also have effective negotiation skills that help me negotiate business terms and get the most desirable terms. The skills help me create a win-win situation in any business activity conducted for my organization (Hao, & Yazdanifard, 2015). The strong leadership skills implemented at work give employees a sense of direction as they commit themselves to wo...
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