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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Essential Leadership Competencies (Health, Medicine, Nursing Coursework)

Coursework Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to examine essential leadership competencies to effectively lead individuals in an organization.
Complete the "Essential Leadership Competencies" worksheet.

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Essential Leadership Competencies
The purpose of this assignment is to examine essential leadership competencies to demonstrate leadership as a vocation, as well as successfully lead in an organization. Complete all of the questions for each category of essential leadership competencies. Be sure to address each question fully and support your responses with at least one supporting reference.
1 Self-leadership provides an opportunity to achieve your objectives through your own thinking, feelings, and behaviors. Self-reflection is a necessary tool to improve the way you function as a leader. Discuss how you plan to practice methods of self-reflection that contribute to the development of how you lead.
Self-reflection is critical for leadership since this can increase self-awareness which can greatly improve learning and growth as a leader. To practice self-reflection, three main steps shall be followed. Important questions to reflect upon should be identified. In this way, areas, where I feel I fall short, can be addressed appropriately. A method for self-reflection should also be chosen. There are several ways to practice self-reflection and one should choose the method which may lead to an increase in one’s productivity, may it be in the form of walking, sitting, or writing. Setting a schedule is also crucial to maintain self-reflection to make it a habit. In this way, self-reflection can be effective in the growth and development of a leader (Manz, 1986).Self-reflection is critical for leadership since this can increase self-awareness which can greatly improve learning and growth as a leader. To practice self-reflection, three main steps shall be followed. Important questions to reflect upon should be identified. In this way, areas, where I feel I fall short, can be addressed appropriately. A method for self-reflection should also be chosen. There are several ways to practice self-reflection and one should choose the method which may lead to an increase in one’s productivity, may it be in the form of walking, sitting, or writing. Setting a schedule is also crucial to maintain self-reflection to make it a habit. In this way, self-reflection can be effective in the growth and development of a leader (Manz, 1986).
2 Recognition of characteristics of professional excellence plays a key role during interviews and performance evaluations. These characteristics must be visible to colleagues and stakeholders in order for you to benefit from them. Describe which characteristics of professional excellence you currently have and which characteristics you want to have.
The characteristics of professional excellence that I currently have to include demonstrating knowledge between what’s right and wrong and taking action with that knowledge. In addition to this, I also maintain a community that is supportive and constructive to my colleagues.As a leader, I also act as a guide to my subordinates in reaching their full potential. The characteristics that I want to have is to regularly maintain a detailed evaluation through observations of my colleagues in the workplace to meet their needs in a nurturing environment (Manz, 1986).The characteristics of professional excellence that I currently have to inc...
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