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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Reactions on Different Documentaries, Issues, and Concepts

Coursework Instructions:

Question 1


View the following required documentaries:

  • Ellis Island Gateway to Freedom
  • Exploring Ellis Island’s Abandoned Hospital
  • Face of America: The Ellis Island Immigration Museum
  • Miss Evers Boys
  • Immigration through Ellis Island
  • Tuskegee Experiment 
  • Community Assessment windshield survey
  • Community Health Assessments Overview

Respond to the following questions below:

  • What are your initial reactions to these documentaries and the image?
  • Comment on how the visits to Ellis Island experiences have or have not addressed the objectives for this learning section.
  • To what extent have the visits to Ellis Island experience added to your knowledge of Community/Public Health Nursing?
  • What questions do you have?
  • How do the Miss Evers Boys and Tuskeegee presentations align with your knowledge of nursing and Public Health Nursing ethics?


Question 2


Examine the following Image below:


  1. Describe the setting. Where is she at? What is she doing?
  2. Is this a nurse? Does this fit your perception of a nurse? Does it reflect nursing today, if so how? How do you think this image relates to this course?


Question 3

View the following required documentaries and resources:

  • Social determinants of health and native peoples -
  • Addressing social determinants of health -
  • American Indian Social Determinants of Health, Native American Nutrition Conference -
  • Measuring the national and local burden of disease -
  • How poor people survive in the USA -
  • ON THE STREETS - a feature documentary on homelessness in L.A. -

Latino Health Access: A Model of Community Action (HBO: The Weight of the Nation) - 


  1. Respond to the following questions below:
  • What effect have the documentaries on Social determinants of disease on your perception of the factors that affect overall health?
  • To what extent will these social determinants have on individual and family health assessment?
  • As you begin the community assessment of your community, to what extent will awareness of these determinants have on your investigation of community resources and overall health?


Question 4

View the following required documentaries and resources:

  • The House on Henry Street -
  • Henry Street Settlement -
  • A Trustee’s Guide to Population Health: Building New Foundations Linking Care with Community 
  • VIDEO 1: Introduction to Population Health
  • VIDEO 2: Understanding Your Population
  • VIDEO 3: Engaging with Partners
  • VIDEO 4: Taking System Level Action
  • VIDEO 5: Importance of Measurement
  • VIDEO 6: Community Change

Respond to the following questions below:

  • How do these 6 documentaries reinforce your developing understanding of Community/Public and Global Health?
  • What questions do you have for these presenters?
  • How do these documentaries influence your perception of public policy?


Question 5

View the following required documentaries and resources:

  • Putting Racism on the Table: Julie Nelson on Implicit Bias
  • Epidemiology simulation. ** Play around with this simulation. Access the CPVID-19 data for your town, change, start wth original borders of your town/city + populations + number of + cases and then let the simulations pogress. Next change of the parameters, such as borders, number of +/recovered/deaths and current population and see what happens in a second wave. What is your reaction to all of this???
  • Cultural Humility Juliana Mosley.
  • Implicit Bias -- how it effects us and how we push through. Melanie Funchess.
  • Centering equity in the response to COVID-19.
  • Structural Racism in the Healthcare System and its Impact on Health Disparities. Neil Calman.

Respond to the following questions below:

  • How are you feeling? Any reaction to these concepts, issues, and documentaries?
  • To what extent have you experienced any of these issues in your practice?
  • How do these documentaries reinforce previous documentaries?
  • So what were you findings with epidemiology simulation?


Question 6

View the following required documentaries:

  • Health inequity: America’s chronic condition?
  • A Recipe for Health Equity in the 21st Century.
  • In Plain Sight: Human Trafficking.
  • ACE'S by Vince Felitti, MD.
  • Gun Violence In America.

Respond to the following questions below:

  • What questions do you have? How well do these documentaries correlate with your knowledge base?
  • What will you change in your current practice based on this module?


Question 7

View the following required documentaries:

  • Transforming Lives through the Power of Clean Water – a P&G and National Geographic Documentary.
  • A World Without Water (Global Warming Documentary).
  • A Plastic Wave - A documentary film on plastic pollution.
  • Air Pollution and Urban Health - World Environment Day.
  • Our Planet | Forests.

Respond to the following questions below:

  • Daily, what are the types and amount of plastics used by you and in the practice environment?
  • Have there been any changes for plastics used in practice, what materials are now being used?
  • How is hospital, medical, and pharmaceutical waste being processed?

Question 8

View the following required documentaries:

  • World’s Worst Natural Disasters Season 1 Episode 1.
  • World’s Worst Natural Disasters Season 1 Episode 2.
  • Extreme Wildfires | How megafires are reshaping forest.
  • California wildfires evening update: September 9, 2020.
  • 2020 could be near-record hurricane season.

Respond to the following questions below:

  • Comments about the emergency situations (COVID-19 - Wildfires - Hurricanes - Heat Waves - winter preparation) that have punctuated 2020
  • Final Comments for the course.


Question 9


Coursework Sample Content Preview:

FG Coursework
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Question 1
* Ellis Island Gateway to Freedom /watch?v=bS76WQ8D5-k
* Exploring Ellis Island’s Abandoned Hospital /watch?v=EM5ObqHs7lM
* Face of America: The Ellis Island Immigration Museum /watch?v=s-6r5D7Samg
* Miss Evers Boys /watch?v=jhhZo1Vi_J4
* Immigration through Ellis Island /watch?v=u4wzVuXPznk
* Tuskegee Experiment /watch?v=3KL7lcWMkz0 
* Community Assessment windshield survey /watch?v=TGXMoQjXbUk
* Community Health Assessments Overview /watch?v=fGf-yFQnwvU
* What are your initial reactions to these documentaries and the image?
Ellis Island was created for processing and verifying new immigrants. It was considered to be a safe place for people who emigrated from different countries in the world. It was also one of the best places America could use to regulate the number of immigrants entering the country. After watching the documentaries, I was surprised to see how the screening process was done, and immigrants who were found susceptible to some illness were forced to return to their countries. If one was mentally ill, one would be returned to their country. Immigrants wanted to live in a new nation but practice their beliefs practices but to achieve this, they were supposed to undergo tedious processes of verification and assessment. It is funny how people would endure all the challenges just to be given a chance to live in the United States.
* Comment on how the visits to Ellis Island experiences have or have not addressed the objectives for this learning section.
The visits to Ellis Island experienced has addressed the objectives of this learning section on how the inspection of diseases was done to immigrants before they entered the United States. The screening process was thorough so that people with any illness were not allowed into the country. The government's measures during this period prevented the spread of diseases in the country.
* To what extent have the visits to Ellis Island experience added to your knowledge of Community/Public Health Nursing?
The Ellis Island experience teaches the importance of population-focused and community-oriented approaches to promote the entire health of a population and prevent the transmission of diseases and disabilities. The actions taken by the government to vet immigrants protected the safety of Americans because no one was allowed to enter the nation ill.
* What questions do you have?
Do such vetting assessment programs exist today? Are immigrants screened for various illnesses before migrating to the United States today?
* How do the Miss Evers Boys and Tuskeegee presentations align with your knowledge of nursing and Public Health Nursing ethics?
Before performing any experiment on an individual, it is imperative to seek consent. The Tuskegee Syphilis study forces policymakers to redefine and rethink all the practices involving human experimentation in minority groups. Miss Evers was in an ethical dilemma of letting go of the men while they believed they were being cured, yet they were not tested. Before performing or administering any treatment to a patient, I believe one has the right to kn...
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