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Leadership. Review the Harvard Business School reprint, Leading Teams.

Coursework Instructions:

Review the Harvard Business School reprint, Leading Teams. Consider the criteria for successful teams and the factors needed to ensure teams are structured for success.
Create a plan (750-1,000 words) describing the steps necessary to create more successful teams at various levels within your organization. Include the following in the plan:
Define the characteristics and structure of successful teams within your organization. How are independent teams vital to the success of your organization?
What are important factors to consider when leading teams within the various levels of the organization?
What factors are important to consider when leading teams at the executive level?
What aspects are essential in identifying appropriate members for teams and ensuring the teams are successfully launched?
What factors are important to ongoing team dynamics? Describe guidelines to evaluate the function and productivity of teams.
Compassion is a significant attribute of many religions and philosophies, including a Christian worldview, as well as being important for both authentic and servant leadership. As a leader, how would you empower your teams through compassion to honor diversity and support equality for all members as they work toward a common goal?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

For an organization to be successful, everyone must be involved and the teams created must work in tandem with the goals of the organization. Successful teams in an organization will translate to a successful organization. But what are the marks for a successful team, one may ask. A successful team must communicate flawlessly and information must be delivered in a timely manner. Secondly, every member of the team must also be offered the opportunity to contribute their share and support for a member must be offered whenever needed. A successful team should also be focused on the goals and objectives set before it. Finally, they must be well organized and be led by good leaders. These characteristics define a successful team. However, it is essential to also consider how the team functions. With an independent team, members will feel free to express their views and also to implement their ideas in the spirit of furthering the company’s agenda. But not all organizations have independent teams. Some organizations believe in having teams but with limited power. These teams are only meant to do what is before them and leave decision-making and strategizing to the people above. However, according to Cooper (2016), autonomy is an important factor within the workplace. People want to feel empowered and while in a team, it is only after they have feel invested that they will manage to gift their best.
The first necessary step while creating a successful team is to consider the objective or task at hand. As a leader, one needs to examine the task at hand and then select a team which they will want to work with. As Polzer (2003) notes, diagnosing the task is quite essential and will help gift the leader with a clear picture of what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and who is best gifted to work on the task at hand. While Polzer advices that diagnosis comes before the team is assembled, it is also essential to conduct a diagnosis of the task even after the team is together. Aside from the task, the environment the team is working in must also be examined. Without a suitable environment, a team is destined to fail or to surpass the set deadline. Another factor to consider while leading teams within the various levels of the organization would be the diversity of the team. With a diverse team, one will be able to get different perspectives or viewpoints which will help solve a problem fast.
The next step would be to ensure that the executive level teams are working in tandem with the objectives of the organization. While in an organization, it is important to ensure that the top-level management shares the dream and vision of the company. Leading this team would be difficult but employing or considering the fol...
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