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1 page/≈275 words
2 Sources
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.18

Role of a Christian Worldview in IT Project Management

Coursework Instructions:

Discuss the role of a Christian worldview in IT project management and provide an example of how it can be applied to contribute to the success of a project. In replies to peers, provide additional ideas and examples that have not already been discussed.
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Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Christian Worldview
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Christian Worldview
Christians the world over have increasingly become dependent on IT in their quest to disseminate the good news. That means that they are consumers of IT deliverables. As such, the first role they play in project management is that of customers. Customers play a pivotal role in project management, especially where the agile development approach is applied. This is because their collaboration and input are needed and valued to help come up with a competitive product (Schwalbe, 2019). Ideally, Christians help in the scaling up of quality. Customers are also important in the sense that they offer organizations the impetus to keep running by buying their products and services. The other role that Christians play is reminding project managers what their roles are and offering guidance where necessary. In this respect, they remind project managers that their most fundamental role in meeting all the needs of custome...
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