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Application of Respondent Conditioning

Coursework Instructions:

Consider your own reflexive or respondent behaviors that occur as a result of a previous stimulus-stimulus pairing in your environment. Using the respondent conditioning "equation" to guide your organization, identify the unconditioned stimulus and the unconditioned response.
Next, identify the neutral stimulus, and discuss the event(s) that contributed to the formation of the conditioned stimulus eliciting the conditioned response. How does this respondent behavior impact you in your environment? If this behavior impacts you in a negative way, describe the process you could use to extinguish the stimulus-stimulus pairing that elicits your conditioned response. If this behavior impacts you in a positive way, describe the process you could use to elicit the same response under the control of other stimuli.
Soon you will be getting started with the unit 3 discussion, applying respondent conditioning to your own behavior. You are asked to use this equation to map out the stimulus-stimulus pairing:
If your responses are beneficial explain how you can maintain or generalize them to other circumstances. If they are not beneficial, describe how you could use extinction to disrupt or replace the previous conditioning.

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Respondent Conditioning Post
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Respondent conditioning implies a kind of learning whereby an initially neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus, thus evoking a conditioned response. This paper will critically reflect on my experiences and point out the response or reflexive behaviors from prior stimulus to stimulus pairings in my surroundings. Then the discussion will use the respondent conditioning equation to pinpoint the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), the conditioned stimulus (CS), the unconditioned response (UCR), and the conditioned response (CR).
I have noticed a respondent behavior of anxious feelings whenever a train passes, or I hear the train horn sound. In this pairing, the unconditioned stimulus is the sudden and loud horn sound of the train passing by. According to Pavlov et al. (2023), the phenomenon induces an unconditioned anxiety and fear response. In this context, the sound of the passing train and the horn is the neutral stimulus before associating it with anxiety and fear. The continued pairing of the sound of the passing train and the horn with anxiety and fear caused by its sudden and loud sound, according to Donahoe and Vegas (2004), is the event that led to the emergence of the conditioned stimulus (CS) inducing the conditioned response (CR).
Accordingly, such respondent behavior affects my body adversely; it makes me feel uncomfortable and anxious whenever I am close to a railroad or hear a train hooting. Stussi et al. (2019) advise that exposure therapy could be fundamental in extinguishing such stimulus pairing, which induces my conditional response. This exposure entails consistently ensuring I expose myself to passing hooting trains in a secure and controlled environment until I feel the sound no longer elicits fear and anxiety. According to Volkmann and Naturwissenschaf (1896), the extinction process can help in weakening the link between the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the conditioned response (CR), resulting in a reduced conditioned response.
On the other hand, I experien...
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