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Psychological Approach to Coping After a Disaster

Coursework Instructions:

In review of our course materials this week, we are introduced to several excellent theories aiding our understanding in the survivors’ experience in coping after disaster events. The complex nature of disasters results in reactions manifested in many ways including psychological, biological, and social. The architect of modern-day positive psychology, Dr. Martin Seligman, speaks to the foundational basis of the psychological approach in his Ted Talk, The New Era of Positive Psychology. In considering the insights Dr. Seligman applies to the field of psychology, we may find useful applications to addressing concerns unique to disaster psychology.
After reviewing the course materials for the week, including Dr. Seligman’s Ted Talk, share the theory or psychological approach to coping after a disaster event that most stood out to you as effective in aiding survivors and the rationale for your selection.
In addition, considering the Core Actions of Psychological First Aid (PFA) we have reviewed thus far, discuss the appropriateness of implementing any or all Core Actions in conjunction with the selected theory or approach.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

BPS Reactions to Disaster
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BPS Reactions to Disaster
Disaster response is usually a multifaced approach that seeks to counter disaster outcomes. Disasters are associated with loss and trauma, which creates far-reaching implications in psychosocial wellbeing. It is, thus, imperative to adopt a more pragmatic approach while responding to disasters that include psychological strategies aimed at addressing loss and trauma as outcomes of disasters. The survivor experiences include loss and trauma, and ensuing coping strategies must be theoretically understood before applying a range of strategies to restore psychological, social and biological wellbeing.
Theoretical psychological frameworks demonstrate a correlation between disasters and serious mental health consequences, such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among victims. Disasters associated with a high magnitude of losses, including property and life, culminates in disruption of psychosocial wellbeing and emotional disenfranchisement. Major disasters involve a broad spectrum of losses and trauma, including the death of a close family member or friend, and serious personal injury illustrates how such can be tum...
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