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Treatment Plan Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

I have added the instructions answer the 5 questions according to chapter 10 you can use Diane or another person. the questions are 1. Emerging strengths-base practice 2. Critical thinking my thoughts 3. Emerging professional identity 4. Transfer of learning from class room 5. System perspective one page about 4 lines and or sentences.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Treatment Plan

Emerging strengths-base practice
In light of the fact that the patient has had behavior issues that have affected his leaning and his relationship at home and school, he is willing and motivated to change. He is interested in improving his academic scores in the next semester. He is also motivated to look past the bad relationships he has had at home and at school and focus on gaining control of his destiny academically, professionally and personally.
Critical thinking my thoughts
After interacting with the patient, it is easy to see that he has had an abusive relationship at home, with one of the parents. The father has been in the military is seen to be active aggressive, which could be traumatizing to the patient. The mother is also eager to help which is quite positive, seeing that the patient is also motivated to make changes to his life. Working with the patient and the parents, is going to be the most effective approach as the problem seems to be related to the family internal struggles.
Emerging professional identity
As nurse, this is a case that gives me a professional identity, relative to helping patient make sustainable decisions related to their well-being. This means meeting patients at their point of need, without being intrusive in their decisions, but offering guidance from a professional point of with suggestions where necessary.
Transfer of learning from class room
From what I have learned in class, I now have the ability to interact with a patient, determine their problems and offer assistance towards achieving their health goals. At the same time, I now hav...
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