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How to write a Memo. Writing Memos Effectively. Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Watch the lecture below on how to write a memo and read section 13.2 in the textbook.
Write a response of 200 words (minimum) that addresses the following questions: gbM&rel=0
1. What are the main components of a memo?
2. In what situations might you use a memo, and what is the appropriate audience for a memo?
3. How will you transition the information in your email into a memo? business-english-for-success/s17-02-memorandums-and-letters.html

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Writing Memos Effectively
A memo or memorandum, which means reminder, is used to communicate internal matters or official business within a specific organization. A memo can be effective in clarifying informal or unofficial speculations about different issues that is rotating around a workplace. Additionally, a memo is mostly used to present the interest of the employees to emphasize grounds and benefits (Memorandums and Letters). They are designed to be brief, efficient and effective to easily communicate information to the target recipients (Schichtel-Greenwood).
In a standard writing format, a memo includes a heading, document information, an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The heading has the word memorandum in the upper center of the document that is both bold and underlined. The next part is the document information, which includes the date, t...
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