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Social Sciences
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Data Collection for the Referral Process

Coursework Instructions:

An important part of data collection for the referral process includes information provided by the parents/guardians. Describe how you will approach the conversations regarding this data collection process, which may include a discussion of personal information. Provide two examples of information that may be sensitive in the conversations and describe how will you demonstrate sensitivity in the discussion.

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Data Collection Referral Process
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Data Collection Referral Process
Maintaining honesty and trustworthiness is paramount when engaging in discussions about gathering referral data with parents or guardians. Articulating the data collecting process's goal ensures students' referral eligibility and resource supply. These interactions must be transparent and reassure parents/guardians that their personal information will be protected. These relationships may include parents' financial and students' medical information. When discussing these topics, respect parents' privacy. Financial information is only used to determine a student's referral eligibility and will not be shared (Littlejohns et al., 2020). Explaining medical data gathering and its function in referrals is crucial. Reassure parents/guardians about medical data protection and confidentiality.
To overcome data-collecting concerns, individuals should be educated about accessible options. This may entail providing contact information for the school psychologist, special education coord...
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