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Marriage Customs and Arranged Marriages

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I just need a summary from a internet search for marriage customs and arranged marriages.
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MARRIAGE CUSTOMS AND ARRANGED MARRIAGES Name: Grade Course: Tutor’s Name: (15, September, 2011) Marriage Customs and Arranged Marriages Although situation of custom and arranged marriages are becoming rarer due to alienation of most communities it warrant some discussion as it is windy practices in India and China. According to (Pardesiservices, 2011) marriages have been in existence in the custom of most communities and some of these communities still withhold the marriage customs of arranged marriages up to date despite of the modernization of the communities. For the purpose of this assignment I will summarize on the custom and arranged marriages of the Indians. India is a modernized country but it still practices arranged marriages which are unheard for the western countries. Its important to note that arranged marriages which are done by the Indian society is seen as act of love. Bearing in mind that divor...
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