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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
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Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Importance Of E-Portfolios

Essay Instructions:

Explain the importance of a ePortfolio and how you will use it in a career in medical billing and coding.

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Importance Of E-Portfolios Students Name Institutional Affiliation E-portfolios play a substantial role in the provision of students with a learning experience with the aim of preparing them for their professional life. They enable the students to reflect on the learning outcomes, and as a result, the student is able to identify the areas whereby they have not understood well. E-portfolios have great potential to enhance the chances of a student to get employment after graduation. Therefore, for a student who is seeking to begin practicing their profession immediately after graduation, then it is important for them to make an E-portfolio. The E-portfolios enables a student to learn about the different outcomes of the syllabus as well as make a connection between different areas of study. As a result, they gain an insight which leads into them improving on the differ...
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