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Week 5 special education: committee membership and evaluation measures

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01 This is a graded discussion: 2.5 points

Week 5 - Discussion: Committee Membership and Evaluation Measures
Read Vignette 8.2 on p. 266 of the text Behavior Management: Principles And Practices of Positive Behavior Support. The vignette describes a teacher, Alycia Thornton, who is helping to implement a PBS program at her school.
Review the composition of the committee membership described in the vignette, respond to the following questions:
Do you think any important stakeholders were missing or omitted from the committee? Why or why not?
How can Alycia Thornton assure that she has the views and perspectives of all stakeholders? Can you think of anything that might discourage individuals from participating? How might she address these issues?
Was there sufficient representation on the committee of those who were designated "targets” of the PBS plan? Justify your response.
Evaluation of the program involved the use of interviews, focus groups, and survey instruments with parents, students, and teachers. What might be some "strengths” and "downsides” associated with use of interviews and focus groups?
Post your initial response to the Discussion Forum by Wednesday, Day 3 of Week 5.
Apply the RISE model in responding to at least three classmate’s posts. If possible, please respond to a post that has not yet received a response from a classmate.

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Committee Membership and Evaluation Measures
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Committee Membership and Evaluation Measures
According to Vignette, the committee of stakeholders created at Central High School was suitable because it includes members of the district level, school level, executive staff as well as community associates. Also, having Thornton on the team is a smart move because being a new teacher, she has fresh ideas and is vibrant about making a difference in the school. However, I think the committee ought to include the school psychologist, who must have vast information about what happens on the ground due to constant engagement with students. Additionally, having a reasonably mature student on the committee is a great way to obtain input on how best to improve the school climate from a student’s point of view, which would help avoid making bias decisions of the way forward.
Thornton can ensure all stakeholders partake by making it compulsory for members of the committee to say something during meetings, which would also engage them. The move aims at ensuring that even the shy people with potentially great ideas can express them without any fear. It is also important to ensure that all meetings scheduled are adhered...
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