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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Cannabis Issues with Treatment

Essay Instructions:
What are some issues that patients face using cannabis as a treatment that they do not face with traditional pharmaceuticals? indicate how your state (Louisiana) has overcome the issues brought up or how a state you are familiar with has addressed the issues. What can be learned from states that are getting it right (or wrong)?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cannabis Issues with Treatment Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Name Professor’s Name Date Cannabis Issues with Treatment Kevin Ford asserts that the primary issue facing patients using cannabis as a treatment is the medicine inconsistencies that lead to the high cost of cannabis products (Coble, n.d.). Due to the limited number of licensed cannabis producers, it becomes difficult to meet patients’ needs since the medicines are not affordable. Other issues that patients using cannabis as a treatment encounter as opposed to traditional pharmaceuticals include the lack of knowing the right dosage or strain, cognitive problems, addiction, psychosis, and social stigma (Newton-Howes, 2018). As a result, cannabis patients are required to get guidelines from medical experts so that they can know the right dosage and alleviate other challenges involved. Louisiana is one of the states that have given patients access to medicinal cannabis. Although the cost ...
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