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Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals in Healthcare Research

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Evaluate and provide examples of how hypothesis testing and confidence intervals are used together in health care research. Provide a workplace example that illustrates your ideas.

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February 2, 2020
Hypothesis testing is an important constituent of any type of research. It is one of the most used procedures used to make statistical decisions using experimental data. Specifically, hypothesis testing helps to determine whether the results obtained from a scientific experiment is valid (Majaski, 2020). It does this by confirming whether the results obtained happened by chance. Essentially, hypothesis testing is an organized approach to examine prerogatives or ideas about a cluster or a populace.
The confidence interval, on the other hand, gives a predicted or probable scope of standards which can possibly incorporate an unidentified population constraint. This assessed range is deliberated from a specified set of sample data (Easton and Mccoll, 1997). Fundamentally, it measures the degree of uncertainty or certainty in a sampling method.
The impression of hypothesis testing is associated to the notion of confidence intervals. A statistical hypothesis is a deduction completed through parameters of a population (Silvey, 2017). In hypothesis testing, H0 is frequently indicated as the hypothesis being verified. H0 is named as the null hypothesis because it suggests that there is no actual distinction between the parameter and its hypothesized significance. For instance, the hypothesis goes as “the mean respiratory rate of the population or group that received a treatment (μ) has of equal significance with the population that did not receive treatment (24 cycles per minute). Here, the null hypothesis to be assessed is μ = 24. A statistical technique that allows a probabilistic assessment of the cogency of the hypothesis is called a statistical test. If the 95% confidence interval does not bracket the hypothesized value of 24, and therefore the sample data do not support the null hypothesis (Amador & Castillo, 2017).
HI denotes the alternate hypothesis. If H0 is rejected then H1 will be accepted. The acceptance of H1 comes from the decision that there is a nonrejection of H0. The alternative hypothesis for the respiratory rate study can be ...
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